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00:01 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Google Drive options.
00:06 In this tutorial, we will learn about the options available in Google Drive like:
00:12 * Creating a document, a spreadsheet and a presentation
00:17 * Uploading files & folders and
00:20 * sharing options.
00:22 For this tutorial, you will need a working Internet connection and any web browser.
00:29 I will be using Firefox web browser.
00:33 As a prerequisite, you should have basic knowledge of Gmail.
00:38 If not, please refer to the relevant Gmail tutorials on our website.
00:43 Let's begin.
00:45 Open the web browser and log-in to your gmail account.
00:49 I have already done so.
00:51 On the top right, we can see a grid icon next to our name.
00:56 When we move the mouse over it, the help text says Apps.

Click on this.

01:02 This will show us a few google apps like:
  • google plus
  • Search
  • YouTube
  • Maps
  • PlayStore
  • News
  • Mail
  • Drive
  • Calendar and
  • More.
01:18 If we click on them, we will be redirected to the particular google app.
01:24 We can also rearrange this list based on our preference by dragging the apps icon to any other position.
01:32 In this tutorial, we will specifically learn about Drive.
01:35 So, let me click on Drive.
01:39 This will open the Google Drive page in a new tab.
01:43 At the top of the page, we can see a Search bar.
01:47 On the left, there are some menus.
01:51 And on the top right, there are some icons.
01:55 In the center, we can see two files.
01:59 The first one was shared with us during account creation by the Google team.
02:05 The second one is the file which we ourselves uploaded earlier.
02:10 Now, let us have a look at the left side menus.
02:14 We have the following menus:
  • New
  • My Drive
  • Shared with me
  • Google Photos
  • Recent
  • Starred and
  • Trash.
02:27 By default, “My Drive” menu will be selected and its contents will be displayed in the center.
02:34 All the files and folders will be displayed in the center area.
02:38 So, we can see the PDF and the ZIP file that we had uploaded in the previous tutorial, here.
02:47 The files which are created or uploaded by us, will also be stored under “My Drive”.
02:53 The next menu is “Shared with me”. Let me click on this.
02:58 If any one shares a file or document with me, it will be displayed under this menu.
03:03 As of now, no one has shared any file with me. So, this is empty.
03:09 Recently google has created a shortcut link to access the Google Photos within the Drive.
03:15 We will skip this option for this tutorial.
03:19 The “Recent” menu will display the list of files or documents which were opened recently.
03:25 It will display both the “My Drive” and “Shared with me” contents.
03:30 So, here we can see the pdf and zip files because we had opened them earlier.
03:37 Starred- If we have marked any file or document as Important, that file will be displayed under this menu.
03:45 Let us go back to My Drive menu and right-click on our pdf file.
03:51 Now, choose Add Star option.
03:55 Next, click on Starred menu. Here is our file.
04:00 Let me make a copy of this file.
04:03 So, once again, right-click on the file and choose Make a copy option.
04:10 Now we have two files.
04:13 Let us delete one of them. Select the file and press the Delete key on the keyboard.
04:20 Deleted files or documents will be displayed under Trash menu.
04:25 The deletion is temporary, however.
04:28 We can delete all the files permanently from the Trash menu by selecting “Empty Trash” option.
04:36 All the files in the “Trash” menu, will automatically be deleted permanently from the google server after 30 days.
04:44 Now, let us learn how to create and upload files and folders.
04:49 There are 4 ways to do this:

The first way is to click on the red colored “New” button on the left.

04:56 The second way: Right-click on “My Drive” option.
05:00 Now, let us come back to My Drive.

In the “My Drive” option, we can right-click in the center area.

05:09 Lastly, click on the “My Drive” drop-down menu at the top.
05:14 Let us explore with the “New” option.

Click on New button.

05:19 It will display some options like:
  • Folder
  • File Upload
  • Google Docs, Sheets, Slides and More.
05:28 We will see each option, one by one.
05:31 We can create a folder using the “Folder” option.
05:34 Click on it. Immediately, it prompts us for a name.
05:40 Let us name the folder as “Spoken Tutorial” and click on Create button.
05:48 By default, this folder will appear under “My drive”.
05:52 We can see it here, in the centre area.
05:56 Folders help us to organize our files better.
06:00 So, we can create separate folders. For example- personal, work etc.
06:07 To upload any file- first click on “New” button, then click on “File Upload”.
06:13 This will open a file browser window.
06:16 Browse and select the file that you want to upload.
06:19 I'll select “xyz.odt” file from the Desktop and click on Open button.
06:26 At the bottom right, we can see the progress of the upload.
06:30 This may take some time based on the size of the file and the internet speed.
06:35 Once completed, the uploaded file will be displayed in the center area.
06:41 Now, close the progress window at the bottom.
06:45 In the same way, we can upload a folder on the Drive using the Folder Upload option.
06:52 This feature may be available in certain browsers only. For e.g. Google Chrome.
06:59 How can we move our uploaded file into our Spoken Tutorial folder?
07:04 Simply drag and drop the file into the folder, like this.
07:09 Now, on the left side, look at My Drive option closely.
07:14 Notice a small triangle to the left of it.
07:18 Clicking on it will show the sub-folders under “My Drive”.
07:22 See, here is our folder “Spoken Tutorial” and here is the file 'xyz.odt' inside it.
07:31 For our day-to-day work, we use documents, spreadsheets and presentations.
07:36 Is it possible to create and manage them on Drive?
07:39 Yes, it is. In Google Drive, we can create- documents, spreadsheets and presentations just like in any Office Suite.
07:50 So, we have Google Docs for creating documents,
07:54 Google Sheets for creating spreadsheets
07:57 and Google Slides for creating presentations.
08:01 For demonstration purpose, I will only show how to create a document using Google Docs.
08:08 To create a new document, click on New button and select Google Docs option.
08:14 This will open an empty document in a new tab.
08:19 We can see that the menus and text formatting options are the same as in any other Office Suite.
08:26 At the top, notice that the document is titled as “Untitled document”.
08:31 This is an editable title. To rename the title, click on the text.
08:38 Rename document” window opens.
08:41 Here, we can type a suitable title for our document.
08:46 I will type “My first google doc” and click on OK.
08:53 Notice the change in the title.
08:56 Next, let me type some contents here, say- “Welcome to Google Docs”.
09:02 Any addition, modification or deletion made to this document will be auto-saved.
09:08 Look for the message “All changes saved in Drive”, next to the 'Help' menu at the top.
09:14 If we click on that, we can see the “Revision History” on the right.
09:19 It has the last modified date & time and also shows who made the modification.
09:26 As of now, this document is not shared with anyone.
09:30 So, we can see only one user “Rebecca Raymond” with the date as Today and the time.
09:37 If this google doc is shared with multiple people, the revision history will list all the changes made by each user, with a unique color for each user.
09:48 We will see this feature a little later in this tutorial.
09:53 Close the “Revision History”.
09:56 Let me close this tab. The google doc will be automatically saved.
10:02 Once again, we are in My Drive and we can see our file here.
10:07 Double-click on it to open it again.
10:10 Now, we will copy-paste the line “Welcome to Google Docs” twice and then close the tab.
10:17 Double-click on the file once again to open it.
10:20 Again, copy-paste the line “Welcome to Google Docs” once.
10:26 Now, click on “Revision History”. We can see all the revisions of the file along with the date-time stamp and the user information.
10:36 If multiple revisions are not seen then click on “Show more detailed revisions” button at the bottom.
10:44 The revisions are arranged in chronological order with the latest revision at the top.
10:50 Click on each revision and understand how this feature works.
10:55 Let me now share this document with two other users.
10:59 For this, click on Share button at the top right.
11:03 Share with others dialog-box appears.
11:07 In the People text-box, we have to give the email-ids of people with whom we want to share this document.
11:15 So, I will type:
11:23 Note that the auto-fill feature is available here for email-ids to whom we had sent the emails earlier.
11:31 There are three modes in which we can share the document with other users.
11:36 Click on the button here to see these three modes:
  • Can edit
  • Can comment
  • Can view.
11:44 Can edit option gives the other users, permission to make changes in the document itself.
11:51 Can comment option gives the other users, permission to suggest changes.
11:56 Can view option gives the other users, viewing permission only.
12:00 They cannot make or suggest any changes.
12:04 Let us give Can edit option to 0808iambecky.
12:09 I will also add:
12:16 Remember to use a comma separator between two email-ids.
12:21 As soon as we enter the email-ids, there is a change in this window.
12:25 We get “Add a note” text area.
12:28 If we want to send some information about this document to other users then we can type it here.
12:36 I'll type “Please find attached a document for testing purpose. Kindly modify or suggest as per the permission given to you.

Thanks Ray.Becky”

12:47 Lastly, click on Send button to complete the sharing process.
12:52 This will send an email notification with our message and a link to the shared document to other users.
12:59 Once again, click on the Share button.
13:02 Then click on Advanced.
13:05 Now, for the user stlibreoffice', we will change the sharing mode to Can comment.
13:12 Lastly, click on Save changes button and then on Done
13:18 and close this document.
13:21 Now, assume that both the users made some modifications in the shared document.
13:27 When we open the document again, after some time, we can find the edits made by the other shared users.
13:34 Since had only suggest permission, we can see the suggestions given by that user.
13:43 Move your mouse to the suggestion box, over the check and cross marks.
13:49 The check mark says Accept suggestion and the cross mark says Reject suggestion.
13:56 Let me accept one suggestions and reject the other.
14:02 We can see a comment here from 0808iambecky.
14:07 And here, we can see a Resolve button.
14:11 The users with Can edit option, can reply to that comment by clicking on the comment text.
14:18 To remove the comment thread, click on Resolve button.
14:22 We cannot see any of the modifications made to the document by 0808iambecky.
14:29 Recall, this user had edit permission in the document.
14:34 So, how can we find out what changes were made by that user?
14:39 For that, we can check our Revision History.
14:43 To open it, we will click on File and then on See revision history.
14:50 We can see that 0808iambecky made some changes and this is seen in a different color.
14:58 We can also see the suggestions given by in a different color.
15:05 And of course, being the owner, we will see our own work in a different color.
15:11 Let us close the Revision History window now.
15:14 There is another way to share a document. Click on Share button.
15:20 In the Share with others window, at the top right corner, we can see the text Get shareable link. Click on it.
15:29 It says “Anyone with the link can view”.
15:32 This will create a link to this document.
15:35 Now, we can send this link to any email-id which means that anyone who has this link can view the document.
15:44 With this, we come to the end of this tutorial.
15:47 Let us summarize.
15:49 In this tutorial, we learnt to:
  • access “Google Drive”
  • Create and Upload files
  • Create Google Docs and
  • Use the sharing options.
16:00 The video at the given link summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project. Please download and watch it.
16:07 We conduct workshops and give certificates for those who pass our online tests.

For more details, please write to us.

16:16 Spoken Tutorial project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.

More information on this mission is available at this link.

16:27 This script has been contributed by Praveen and this is Srilakshmi Ramaswamy from IIT Bombay, signing off.

Thanks for watching.

Contributors and Content Editors

PoojaMoolya, Sandhya.np14