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Time Narration
00:01 Hello and welcome to the spoken tutorial on generating mesh using snappyHexMesh in OpenFOAM.
00:08 In this tutorial, we will learn to:
  • Generate mesh using snappyHexMesh utility
  • Simulate temperature distribution of a flange.
00:18 As a pre-requisite, you should know parameters in snappyHexMeshDict to generate mesh.

For more details, refer the tutorial on introduction to snappyHexMesh in OpenFOAM.

00:31 To record this tutorial, I am using:
  • Ubuntu Linux Operating system version 12.04.
  • OpenFOAM version 2.2.2
  • ParaView version 3.12.0
00:46 We are solving an existing case of flange fromlaplacianFoam in basic directory.

'laplacianFoam' solver solves simple Laplace equations.

00:58 Now, let us go to home folder and click on OpenFoam-2.2.2 folder.
01:05 You will see tutorials. Click on it.
01:09 Then click on mesh folder.
01:12 You will see the snappyHexMesh folder. Click on it.
01:17 In this folder, create a new folder by name flange_1.
01:24 Now, let's go back two levels.
01:27 Open the basic folder. You will see laplacianFoam folder. Click on it.
01:36 You will see flange case. Click on it to open the folder.
01:42 Copy the three folders 0, constant and system.
01:46 Now, let us go three levels back. Paste the copied folders inside the flange_1 folder.
01:56 Now, let us go one level back. Click on flange folder. You will see constant and system folders.
02:05 Click on system folder.
02:08 Copy snappyHexMeshDict and surfaceFeatureExtractDict from this folder. Now, let us go two levels back.
02:18 Paste these two files inside the system directory of flange_1 folder.
02:27 Now, let us go one level back. Click on constant folder. In this, create a folder by name triSurface.
02:40 Now, let us go four levels back.
02:44 Open the resources folder.
02:48 You will see geometry folder. Now, open the geometry folder.
02:53 In this, you will see flange.stl.gz file. Extract this file.
03:04 Give the path of triSurface folder in constant directory of flange_1 folder. Now close this.
03:16 Open command terminal and enter the path for flange_1 as shown. Type: cd space OpenFOAM-2.2.2/tutorials/mesh/snappyHexMesh/flange_1 and press Enter.
03:42 Now type "ls" and press Enter.
03:46 There are three folders 0, constant and system. Type cd space constant and press Enter.
03:55 Now type "ls" and press Enter. You will see the polymesh and triSurface folders.

Type: cd space polymesh and press Enter.

04:09 Now type: "ls" and press Enter. You can see the blockMeshDict file.
04:16 To view the contents of the file, type: gedit space blockMeshDict and press Enter.
04:26 This will open up the blockMeshDict file. This file contains co-ordinates for hex mesh and boundary patches.
04:36 Now close this and in the command terminal, type: cd (space) .. (dot) (dot) and press Enter.

Again type: cd (space) .. (dot) (dot) and press Enter.

04:48 Now, type: cd space system and press Enter.
04:53 Now type: "ls" and press Enter. You can see the surfaceFeatureExtractDict file.
05:01 To view the contents of the file, type: gedit space surfaceFeatureExtractDict and press Enter

(Note that F, E and D here are capital).

05:15 This will open up the surfaceFeatureExtractDict file.
05:19 This file contains the information about geometry’s feature edges.The included angle is taken as 150.
05:29 Now close this.In command terminal type gedit snappyHexMeshDict and press Enter.

(Note that H, M and D here are capital)

05:45 This will open up the snappyHexMeshDict file.This file contains all the instructions about snappyHexMesh.
05:53 In snappyHexMeshDict I have already made some changes.I have named flange.stl same as that of STL file, which is in the constant/trisurface directory.
06:11 For Explicit feature edge refinement in castellatedMeshControls, I have given the file name flange.eMesh.This file is obtained by surfaceFeatureExtract utility.
06:23 The remaining details in the snappyHexMesh have changed as per requirements.
06:30 Now close this and in command terminal, type cd (space) .. (dot) (dot) and press Enter.
06:38 Type cd space 0 and press Enter.
06:44 Type ls and press Enter.You can see the T file.
06:50 Now type gedit space T and press Enter.
06:55 This will open up the T file.You will see the initial conditions for every patch.
07:04 Now, we have to give initial conditions for all patches of flange.
07:11 Copy the initial conditions for patch 1 and paste it after patch 4 in the same file T.Now type flange_ before this patch 1.
07:28 Similarly, we can do this for patch 2, 3 and 4.Save this T file and close it.
07:37 And in the command terminal type cd (space) .. (dot) (dot)and press Enter.
07:43 Now, we need to mesh' the geometry.For that in command terminal, type blockMesh and press Enter.'Meshing is done.
07:55 Now type surfaceFeatureExtract and press Enter. (Note that F and E here are capital.)

Surface feature extraction is done.

08:09 Now type snappyHexMesh -(dash) overwrite and press Enter. - (dash) overwrite command will prevent copying the files from the last time folders.
08:24 If not, the resulting meshes will be inside the next time folders, possibly the folders 1, 2 and 3.
08:31 Meshing will take some time.Now meshing is completed.
08:36 For simulating temperature distribution, we are using laplacianFoam solver.
08:42 In the command terminal type laplacianFoam and press Enter.(Note that F here is capital.)
08:51 Iterations running will be seen in the terminal window.
08:55 Once solving is completed, type paraFoam and press Enter to view the geometry and the results.This will open up the Paraview window.
09:07 On the left hand side of Paraview window, click on Apply.The geometry can be seen here.
09:15 Scroll down the properties panel of the object inspector menu.Check the box for T in the volume fields and click on Apply.
09:25 Now go to the top of Active variable control drop down menu. Change from solid color to capital T, which is the initial condition for the flange.
09:37 Now on the top of the Paraview window, you can see the VCR controls. Click on the Play button.Now this is the final result for temperature distribution of a flange.
09:58 Toggle on the color legend by clicking on top left of the Active variable control menu.

This is the colour legend for temperature T.

10:09 Now let me get back to the slides.
10:12 This brings us to the end of the tutorial.As an assignment,
10:16 Change some parameters in the snappyHexMeshDict:
  • Refinement parameters
  • locationInMesh co-ordinates
  • snapControls, etc.
10:26 You can also change the temperature in the 0 folder and view the results in Paraview.
10:33 In this tutorial we learnt :
  • To generate mesh by snappyHexMesh utility in OpenFoam.
  • Simulate temperature distribution of a flange.
10:44 Watch the video available at this URL:

It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project. If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.

10:57 The Spoken Tutorial Project TeamConducts workshops using spoken tutorials.Gives certificates to those who pass an online test For more details, please write to
11:14 Spoken Tutorials are part of Talk to a Teacher project, It is supported by National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India. More information on the same is available at following URL link
11:29 This is Chaitrali Ghodke from IIT BOMBAY signing off.Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

PoojaMoolya, Pratik kamble, Sandhya.np14