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Time Narration
00:00 Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Hello Ruby!
00:04 In this tutorial we will learn
00:06 What is Ruby?
00:08 Features
00:09 RubyGems & Help on Ruby
00:12 Installation
00:13 Running Ruby code
00:15 Commenting
00:16 Difference between puts and print
00:19 Here we are using Ubuntu Linux version 12.04 Ruby 1.9.3
00:27 To follow this tutorial you must be connected to internet.
00:30 You must have knowledge of using Terminal and Text editor in Linux.
00:37 Now I will explain what is Ruby.
00:40 Ruby is an object-oriented, interpreted scripting language.
00:44 It is dynamic, open source programming language.
00:48 It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.

00:54 Now let us see some features of Ruby.

00:57 Ruby is highly portable.
00:59 Ruby program runs in any operating system.
01:04 Variables in Ruby have no datatype, such as in Smalltalk, BASIC or Python.
01:11 It supports automatic memory management.
01:14 Ruby is free format language.
01:17 You can start writing your program from any line and column.
01:21 Ruby is used for developing Internet and Intra-net applications.

01:26 One of the most important feature of Ruby is RubyGems.

01:31 RubyGems is a package manager for Ruby programming language.

01:36 It provides a standard format for distributing Ruby programs and libraries.

01:42 You can create and publish your own gems.
01:46 For more information on RubyGems visit the following link.

01:51 To get more help on Ruby you can visit the links shown.
01:55 You can install Ruby using the Ubuntu Software Centre.
01:59 For more information on Ubuntu Software Centre, please refer to the Ubuntu Linux Tutorials on this website.

02:07 Other methods for installing Ruby are as shown in this slide.
02:12 'Ruby code can be executed in 3 ways
02:16 Command line
02:17 Interactive Ruby
02:19 As a 'file

02:20 We will go through each method of execution.

02:23 First let us see how to execute the Hello World code from command line.
02:28 Open a terminal by pressing the Ctrl, Alt and T keys simultaneously.

02:33 A terminal window appears on your screen.
02:37 Type the command
02:38 ruby space hyphen e space within single quotes puts space then within double quotes Hello World and

02:50 Press Enter.
02:53 We get the output as Hello World.
02:56 puts command is used to print the output on the terminal.
03:00 The hyphen e flag allows only a single line of code to be executed.
03:06 Multiple hyphen e flags can be used to execute multiple line commands.

03:11 Lets try this out
03:13 Now press the up Arrow key to get the previous command and
03:18 Type space hyphen e space within single quotes puts space 1+2 and

03:30 Press Enter.
03:32 We get the output as Hello World and 3.

03:36 Let's switch back to our slide
03:38 We will now learn about Interactive Ruby.

03:42 Interactive Ruby allows the execution of Ruby commands with immediate response.

03:48 You can run Ruby statements and examine the output and return values.

03:53 For older version of Ruby, install irb separately.
03:57 Now let us execute our Ruby code through irb. Go to the terminal

04:03 Typeirb and Press Enter
04:06 to launch the Interactive Ruby
04:09 Type puts space within double quotes Hello World and press Enter.
04:19 We get the output as Hello World.
04:22 And We get the return value as nil.

04:25 To exit from irb type exit and press Enter.
04:31 You can also run Ruby program from a file.

04:34 You can use any text editor of your choice to write the code.
04:39 I am using gedit text editor. Let me switch to gedit text editor
04:45 Now, type puts space within double quotes Hello World
04:54 Lets learn how to add multiple line or block comments.
04:59 Before the puts command
05:01 Type, equal to begin and press Enter
05:06 'Equal to begin is used to start the comment.
05:10 Type the comments that you wish to add.

05:13 I will type My first Ruby program
05:20 and Press Enter
05:22 Then type This code will print helloworld and Press Enter
05:30 Now type equal to end
05:32 equal to end is used to end the multiple line comments.
05:37 Comments are useful to understand the flow of program.
05:41 It is useful for documentation.
05:45 Now, let us save the file by clicking on the Save button.

05:50 It is a good practice to save the file frequently.
05:53 The Save As dialog box appears on your screen.
05:57 Browse the location where you want to save the file.
06:01 On 'Desktop, I will create a folder named rubyprogram.

06:06 We will save the file inside this folder.
06:10 In the Name text-box, type the name that you wish to add.
06:14 I will type hello.rb
06:17 Dot rb extension is given to a Ruby file
06:21 Then click on Save button to save the file. So the file is saved now.
06:28 To execute the code, go to the terminal.
06:32 Lets clear the terminal first.
06:35 Make sure that you are in the directory where your Ruby file is present.
06:39 Remember that we are in the home directory. We need to go to the subdirectory rubyprogram.
06:47 To do so, type cd space Desktop/rubyprogram and press Enter.
07:00 Let's execute the file . Type ruby space hello dot rb and press Enter
07:10 We get the output HelloWorld.
07:13 Now let me demonstrate the difference between puts and print statement.

07:18 We will try this out using irb
07:22 Before that we need to go back to the home directory.To do so type cd and press Enter
07:31 Now type irb and Press Enter to launch the Interactive Ruby.
07:39 Type puts space within double quotes Hello comma within double quotes World
07:50 Here comma is used to join the two puts command together.
07:55 Now press Enter.
07:57 We get the output Hello World, but on separate lines.
08:03 Now let's try the same thing with print.

08:06 Press up arrow key to get the previous command
08:09 Replace puts with print and Press Enter.
08:14 We get the output as Hello World but on the same line.
08:19 The keyword puts adds a newline to the end of the output. The keyword print does not.
08:27 The keyword print outputs only what we have provided.
08:31 This brings us to the end of this Spoken Tutorial. Let us switch back to our slides.
08:37 In this tutorial we have learnt
08:39 About Ruby
08:41 Installation
08:42 Execution of Ruby code
08:44 Adding multiple comments using =begin and =end

08:50 Difference between puts and print

08:53 As an assignment
08:55 Write a program to print your name and age
08:58 We used multiple line comments in this tutorial
09:01 Try to give single line comment

09:04 Watch the video available at the following link.

09:07 It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project.
09:10 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.
09:15 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team :

09:17 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials
09:20 Gives certificates to those who pass an online test
09:24 For more details, please write to
09:30 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of Talk to a Teacher project.
09:34 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India.
09:41 More information on this Mission is available at below link
09:45 This is Afrin Pinjari from IIT Bombay, signing off.
09:50 Thank you for watching.

Contributors and Content Editors

Devraj, PoojaMoolya, Pratik kamble, Ranjana, Sandhya.np14, Sneha