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Title of script: Setting Preferences
Title of script: Setting Preferences
Author: Trupti Rajesh Kini
Author: Trupti Rajesh Kini

Revision as of 16:58, 22 October 2013

Title of script: Setting Preferences	

Author: Trupti Rajesh Kini

Visual cue Narration
Display desktop

/* Slide 1 */

Welcome to this tutorial on Setting Preferences in ABT.

Show Slide

Learning Objectives /*Slide 2 */ In this tutorial, you will be able to:

  • Edit/Delete organisation details
  • Add/Edit/Delete project
  • Rollover
  • Export/Import organisation
Show Slide

System Requirements In this tutorial, I am using

  • ABT 1.0
  • Android 4.2

/*Slide 4*/

For this tutorial, you must be familiar with:

  • The principles of book keeping.
  • How to run and start ABT
  • How to Create a New Organization

If not, for relevant tutorials please visit http://spoken-tutorial.org

Start ABT

Select ABT application on Android 4.2

ABT's Welcome screen

We will see ABT's welcome screen

Tap on Select Existing Organization button
  • We had already created an organization called Free Accounting Foundation in Managing organization tutorial
  • We will select it from the drop-down list.
Tap on Login button
  • Lets Login as guest
Point to Master Menu

We are now on the master menu of ABT

Point to Preferences

Select Preferences option from master menu to edit organisation details or Add/Edit/Delete project.

Point to Edit/Delete option

Lets choose Edit/Delete organization option from select preference

Point to new screen
  • The entire organization becomes editable
Point to city

Let us select Mumbai for city

Point to save button

Tap on save button to save the changes

Point to reset button

If we want to add organization details newly we can tap on reset button

Point to delete button

Tap on delete button if we want to delete the organization

Point to confirmation box
  • There will be confirmation twice
  • In the first confirmation, it asks whether we want to delete organization for the given financial year.
  • Tap Yes if you want to delete
  • In the next, it gives warning that by deleting organization we will loose data and session will be closed
  • Tap Ok if you really want to delete
Point to the main screen
  • If we delete, we will be directed to the main screen
  • I wont delete for now

Point to Add/Edit/Delete project
  • We will now see what is Add/Edit/Delete project
Point to Enter projectname
  • Here we have to add projects
  • Lets enter ABT
  • Tap on Add project button
Point to the added project
  • It says the project added successfully
  • We can view it on the transaction in master menu
  • In the drop down of Project,we can view the created voucher
  • Now we can create vouchers as per projects
Point to project name
  • Now when we tap on the project name on screen, we get two options
    • Edit project name
    • Delete project
Point to Edit project name
  • Lets choose Edit project name
  • A window appears with name of the project editable
  • Change ABT to Aakash Business Tool
  • Tap on Done

Point to the changed name
  • We can view the name changed successfully
Point to Delete project
  • Likewise if we want to delete project, we can choose Delete project
  • If project has transactions, it can not be deleted.
Point to rollover
  • Go to Master menu > Rollover.
  • Click on Rollover, it will prompt accourding to following conditions:
    • It will check for financial period
    • If it is not completed financial to date then, it prompt for can not rollover, since financial year is not completed!!.

Else if financial year is completed then it prompt to rollover has been done. Rollover will be done only once in a financial period If you click on it again, it prompt rollover has done already!!

Point to Export organization
  • Go to Master menu > Export organisation.
  • Export organisation :
    • Go to Master menu > Export organisation.
    • It will pop up a dialog box which ask’s “Do you want to export organisation”.
    • If Yes then, it will prompt “organisation has been exported to /mnt/sdcard/export/”.
Point to export
  • See, there is a location in tablet called /mnt/sdcard/export
  • We can find exported organisation sql formated file there
Point to main page of ABT
  • Import organisation :
    • To import same organisation in another tablet just transfer export folder, provided ABT is installed.
    • Import organization option is available at first page of ABT
Point to import organization
  • Just click on Import organization
  • It will show all available exported organisation and financial years to import it on current tablet.
  • Now, select organisation name and it’s financial year which you would like to import
  • Tap on Import button.
  • Let's summarise
  • In this tutorial, we learnt to view
    • Edit/Delete organisation details
    • Add/Edit/Delete project
    • Rollover
    • Export/Import organisation

As an assignment, add project Spoken Tutorial

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Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India

More information on this Mission is available at http://spoken-tutorial.org /NMEICT-Intro

Contributors and Content Editors

Nancyvarkey, Trupti