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Line 121: Line 121:
||  '''Slide Number 7'''  
||  '''Slide Number 7'''  
'''Metal Displacement Reaction'''  
'''Reactivity Series'''  
|| This slide shows the '''activity series '''of some metals used in '''displacement reactions'''.  
|| This slide shows the '''activity series '''of some metals used in '''displacement reactions'''.  
Line 548: Line 548:
|| '''Slide Number 9'''
|| '''Slide Number 9'''
''' Metal Displacement Reaction'''
''' Metal Displacement Reactions'''
|| We have tabulated the results as shown.  
|| We have tabulated the results as shown.  

Revision as of 17:46, 14 July 2017

Visual Cue Narration
Slide Number 1

Title Slide

Welcome to this spoken tutorial on Metal Displacement Reactions using Vlabs.
Slide Number 2

Learning Objectives

In this tutorial we will learn to,

1. Carry out displacement reactions of,




Copper and


2. Arrange metals in decreasing order of reactivity.

Slide Number 3



To follow this tutorial you should be familiar with,

ChemCollective Vlabs interface.

If not for relevant tutorials, please visit our website.

Slide Number 4

System Requirement

Here I am using

Mac OS version 10.10.5

ChemCollective Vlabs version 2.1.0

Java version 8.

Double-Click on the jar file in Vlabs folder.

Point to the Default lab setup window.

Here I have opened Virtual Chemistry Labs application window.

Default lab setup window opens.

Click on File, click on Load Homework option.

Double-Click on Redox Folder.

Double-Click on Redox Reaction Series.

Click on File menu and select Load Homework option.

Default Lab Setup dialog box opens.

Double-Click on Redox Folder.

Then double-Click on Redox Reaction Series.

Click on Problem Description. Click on Problem Description in the Stockroom Explorer.
Point to the 1st line. The problem states that,

1. Perform metal displacement reactions.

2. Arrange the given metals from strongest to weakest reducing agent.

Click on the Solids cabinet and Solutions cabinet.

Cursor on Solids and Solutions.

Stockroom Explorer is provided with all the required metals and their salt solutions.
Slide Number 5

Redox Reactions

Let us define Redox Reactions.

An oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction, involves transfer of electrons between two species.

Oxidation is loss of electrons by any species.

Reduction is gain of electrons by any species.

Slide Number 6

Displacement Reactions

Metal displacement reactions are a type of Redox reactions.

In metal displacement reactions,

a more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal in a metal salt solution.

Slide Number 7

Reactivity Series

This slide shows the activity series of some metals used in displacement reactions.
Slide Number 8

Metal Displacement Reactions

AB(aq) + C -----> CB(aq) + A

2AgNO3(aq) + Cu(s) ---> Cu(NO3)2(aq) + 2Ag(s)

Cu(NO3)2(aq) + 2Ag(s)-----> no reaction.

Here is an example of metal displacement reaction.

Silver ions in silver nitrate can be replaced by copper to form copper nitrate.

Elemental silver is precipitated in the reaction.

Silver has lower oxidation potential than copper. It cannot replace copper from copper nitrate.

Click on Workbench1. Switch to application window

Click on Workbench1.

Right-click on the workbench tab to rename.

Type name as Magnesium-rxn (Magnesium reaction).

Click on Stockroom Explorer.

Click on Solids cabinet, double-click on Magnesium.

Click on Solutions cabinet double-click on,

Copper nitrate

Zinc Nitrate

Lead Nitrate

Silver Nitrate

Close the cabinets.

Let us now demonstrate the reactivity of Magnesium metal.

From the Stockroom Explorer, click on Solids cabinet, double-click on Magnesium.

Click on Solutions cabinet, double-click on,

0.1 M Copper nitrate

0.1 M Zinc Nitrate

0.1 M Lead Nitrate

0.2 M Silver Nitrate.

Close the cabinets.

Click on Glassware menu, click on Erlenmeyer flask.

Click on 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask.

Right-click on the flask, select Duplicate option.

Click on Glassware menu, select 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask

We need 4 flasks for this experiment.

Make duplicates of the Erlenmeyer flask.

Right-click on the flask. From the context menu, click on Rename option.

Type the symbol and click on Rename.

Click on any bottle.

Point to Solution Info panel.

Rename the flasks with corresponding metal symbols, Zn, Pb, Ag and Cu.

Arrange the apparatus and chemicals.

Click on any one of the bottles containing solution.

The Solution Info panel shows the bottle contains 50 ml of solution.

Place the bottle containing metal salt solution on the Erlenmeyer flask.

Type 50 in the Transfer amount input bar.

Click on Pour.

Pour the contents of the bottles into respective flasks using Precise transfer mode.

Type 50 in the Transfer amount input bar.

Click on Pour.

Similarly transfer contents of the bottles into flasks.

Drag and keep the empty bottles aside. Keep the empty bottles aside.
Click on Erlenmeyer flask.

Point to solution info panel.

Click on each Erlenmeyer flask and note the concentration of the metal ions.
Place the bottle containing metal on the Erlenmeyer flask.

Type 1 in the Transfer amount input bar .

Click on Pour.

Pour 1 g of solid Magnesium metal in each flask using Precise transfer mode.
Click on the flask containing copper nitrate.

Point the flask.

Cursor on Solution Info Panel.

Click on the flask containing copper nitrate .

Observe that green color of the solution has disappeared.

Temperature increases on addition, then decreases.

The reaction is Exothermic.

Point to Solution Info Panel. In the Solution Info Panel, concentration of copper ions is zero.

Magnesium ions are observed in the solution.

This means that Magnesium has displaced copper ions from the solution.

Click on Solid radio button.

Cursor on copper metal.

Click on Solid radio button.

Observe that metallic copper is now deposited in the solution.

This is because Magnesium has higher oxidation potential than copper.

Click on the flask containing Zinc nitrate.

Click on Aqueous radio button on the Solution Info Panel.

Click on Solid radio button.

Click on the flask containing Zinc nitrate.

Click on Aqueous radio button on the Solution Info Panel.

Concentration of Zinc ions is zero.

Magnesium ions are now observed.

Click on Solid radio button.

Observe that Zinc is now found in the solution.

Magnesium has replaced Zinc ions from its solution.

Click on the flask containing lead nitrate.

On the Solution Info panel, concentration of lead ions is zero.

Magnesium ions are now observed.

Click on Solid radio button, observe that Lead is now found in the solution.

Click on the flask containing lead nitrate.

Observe Solution Info panel.

Magnesium has replaced Lead ions from its solution.

Click on the flask containing silver nitrate.

On the Solution Info panel, concentration of silver ions is zero.

Magnesium ions are now observed.

Click on Solid radio button, observe that silver is now found in the solution.

Click on the flask containing silver nitrate.

Observe Solution Info panel.

Magnesium has replaced Silver ions from its solution.

Click on File menu, select New Workbench. Now let us demonstrate the activity of Zinc.

Click on File menu, select New Workbench.

Rename the workbench as Zinc-rxn.

Click on Solids cabinet click on Zn.

Click on Solutions cabinet, select

0.1 M Copper Nitrate

0.1 M Magnesium Nitrate

0.1 M Lead Nitrate

0.2 M Silver Nitrate

Click on the radio button to close the cabinet.

From Solids cabinet select Zn.

Click on Solutions cabinet and select

0.1 M Copper Nitrate

0.1 M Magnesium Nitrate

0.1 M Lead Nitrate

0.2 M Silver Nitrate

Close the cabinets.

Click on Glassware menu, click on Erlenmeyer flask.

Right-click on the flask.

From the context menu, click on Rename option.

Type the symbol and click on Rename.

Click on any bottle.

Point to Solution info panel.

Place the bottle on the flask.

Type 50 in the Transfer amount input bar.

Click on Pour.

As we did in the previous experiment, take 4 Erlenmeyer flasks.

Rename the flasks with corresponding metal symbols Mg, Pb, Cu and Ag.

Arrange the apparatus.

Pour the contents of the bottles into the respective flasks.

Type 50 in the Transfer amount input bar.

Click on Pour.

Place the Zn metal bottle on the flask.

Type 1 in the Transfer amount input bar.

Click on Pour.

Pour 1 g of solid Zinc metal in each flask.

Type 1 in the Transfer amount input bar.

Click on Pour.

Click on the flask containing copper nitrate.

On the Solution Info Panel, concentration of copper ions is zero.

Zinc ions are now observed.

Click on Solid radio button, observe that copper is now found in the solution.

Click on the flask containing copper nitrate.

Observe that Copper is displaced by Zinc.

Click on the flask containing Magnesium nitrate.

On the Solution Info Panel, concentration of Zinc ions is zero.

Click on Solid radio button, observe that Magnesium is not displaced in this reaction.

So Zinc metal is unreacted and remains in the flask.

Click on the flask containing Magnesium nitrate.

Zinc cannot replace Magnesium from the solution.

Because Zinc has lower oxidation potential than Magnesium.

Hence, there is no reaction and Zinc remains in the solution.

Click on flask containing lead nitrate.

On the Solution Info panel, concentration of Lead ions is zero.

Click on Solid radio button, observe that Lead is displaced by Zinc in this reaction.

Lead is deposited as solid.

Click on flask containing Silver nitrate.

On the Solution Info panel, concentration of Silver ions is zero.

Click on Solid radio button, observe that Silver is displaced by Zinc in this reaction.

Silver is deposited as solid.

Similarly click on flasks containing Lead nitrate and Silver nitrate.

Observe that Zinc displaces both Lead and Silver.

Open a different workbench for each metal displacement reaction.

Click on File menu, select New Workbench option.

Right-click on the workbench tab.

A text box opens.

In the box type Lead-rxn,

Point to the Stockroom Explorer.

Similarly perform the experiments for Lead, Copper and Silver.

Open a different workbench for each metal displacement reaction.

Rename the workbenches as Lead-rxn, Copper-rxn and Silver-rxn.

Required metals and salt solutions are available in the Stockroom Explorer.

Click on each workbench. We have performed these experiments. Here are the observations.
Slide Number 9

Metal Displacement Reactions

We have tabulated the results as shown.

Magnesium has higher oxidation potential value.

Magnesium displaces metal ions, Zinc, lead, Copper and silver which have lower oxidation potentials.

Silver with lowest oxidation potential cannot displace,

Magnesium, zinc, lead or copper ions from solution.

Slide Number 10

Order of reactivity

Mg>Zn>Pb >Cu>Ag

The order of reactivity from strongest to weakest reducing agents is as follows.

Mg>Zn>Pb >Cu>Ag

Slide Number 11


Let us summarize

In this tutorial we have,

Determined the order of reactivity for the following metals,




Copper and


Slide Number 12


As an assignment,

1. Perform displacement reactions using solutions of metal halides.

2. Establish the order of reactivity of halogens.

3. The required chemicals are available in the Stockroom Explorer.

Slide Number13

About Spoken Tutorial project

The video at the following link summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

Slide Number14

Spoken Tutorial workshops

The Spoken Tutorial Project team,

conducts workshops using spoken tutorials and

gives certificates on passing online tests.

For more details, please write to us.

Slide Number 15:

Forum for specific questions:

Do you have questions in THIS Spoken Tutorial?

Please visit this site

Choose the minute and second where you have the question

Explain your question briefly

Someone from our team will answer them

Please post your timed queries in this forum.
Slide Number 16


Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.

More information on this mission is available at this link.

This tutorial is contributed by Snehalatha Kaliappan and Madhuri Ganapathi from IIT-Bombay. Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors
