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Revision as of 14:57, 9 July 2014

Time Narration
00:02 Welcome to the Spoken tutorial on LibreOffice Base.
00:06 In this tutorial, we will learn how to create simple queries using the Query wizard Select fields Set the sorting order of the fields And provide search criteria or conditions for a query
00:24 Let us first learn what a query is.
00:29 A Query can be used to get specific information from a database.
00:36 In other words, we can "query" the database for some data that matches a given criteria.
00:48 For example, let us consider our familiar Library database example.
00:56 We have stored information about books and members in our Library database.
01:04 Now we can query the Library database for all the members of the Library.
01:12 Or we can query the database for all the books that are not in the Library.
01:21 Let us see how we can create a simple query using Base.
01:30 our example is to list all the members of the Library along with their phone numbers.
01:44 We are in the Library database. You probably know how to open this by now.
01:51 Let us click on the Queries icon on the left panel.
01:57 On the right panel, we see three options.
02:03 Since we are creating a simple query first, we will choose an easy and fast method.
02:11 And that is by using a Query Wizard.
02:17 For creating complex queries, Base provides us with very handy options such as 'Create Query in Design View'
02:28 and 'Create Query in SQL view', which we will learn about later.
02:36 For now, let us click on 'Use Wizard to Create Query'.
02:43 Now, we see a popup window that says Query Wizard on the top.
02:50 On the left, we see 8 steps that we will go through.
02:57 We are in Step 1 - 'Field Selection'.
03:03 On the right side, we will see a drop down box underneath the label Tables.
03:11 This is where we will select the source of the data that we need from this query.
03:21 Since our example query is about getting a list of all the members of the Library, we will click on the Tables: Members from the drop down box.
03:35 Now, let us double click on the 'Name' field in the Available fields list on the left and move it to the list box on the right.
03:50 Next, let us click on the 'Phone' field on the left and move it to the right.
04:00 Note that to move all the fields to the right we can use the double arrow button that points to the right.
04:09 Now let us click on the Next button at the bottom.
04:15 Now we are in Step 2 - Sorting Order.
04:20 Since the result of our query is a list of members and their phone numbers, we can leave this as is,
04:30 Or we can order the list by member names.
04:36 The Base Wizard, allows us to sort upto 4 fields in the result list at a time.
04:45 For now, let us click on the top most drop down box,
04:51 And click on Members.Name.
04:55 We can also choose if we want to sort the names in ascending or descending order.
05:03 Let us click on the Ascending option.
05:07 And proceed to the next step.
05:11 Step 3 - Search Conditions.
05:16 This step will help if we want to limit our result set to some conditions.
05:22 For example, we can limit the result set to only those members, whose name starts with the alphabet R.
05:34 For this, we will click on the Fields drop down box and then click on Members.Name.
05:45 Now, click on the Condition drop down box.
05:51 Notice the various conditions here;
05:58 Let us click on 'Like'.
06:02 In the Value text box, let us type in ‘capital R’ and a ‘percentage symbol’.
06:13 This is how we can introduce simple and complex conditions into our query.
06:22 Let us now delete the 'R%' from the value text box to list all the members and click on the Next button.
06:37 Please note that we have skipped to Step 7.
06:43 This is because we are creating a simple query from a single table.
06:51 And our query will return details and not summaries.
06:57 Summary queries show data from aggregate functions and by grouping.
07:05 Some examples are count of all the members, or sum of the prices of all the books.
07:13 We will learn about these later.
07:17 Okay, now here, let us set aliases;
07:23 Meaning, let us provide friendly and descriptive labels or headers in the resulting list.
07:32 So the 'Name' field can have an alias as 'Member Name' and the 'Phone' field can have an alias as 'Phone Number'.
07:46 So let us type in these new aliases in the two text boxes and click on the Next button.
07:57 Now we are in Step 8 - the final step.
08:03 Here let us give a nice descriptive name to our simple query.
08:09 Let us type in 'List of all members and their phone numbers' against the 'Name of the Query’ label.
08:20 Now notice that we see an overview of our choices in the wizard.
08:27 And how do we want to proceed from here?
08:31 Let us click on the 'Display Query' option on the top right side and click on the Finish button.
08:41 The wizard window has closed and there is a new window whose title says, 'List of all members and their phone numbers'.
08:52 Notice that we see all the four members that we originally entered in the Members table along with their phone numbers.
09:04 Also, we see that, this list is arranged alphabetically in ascending order.
09:13 So this is our first simple query.
09:18 Here is an assignment.
09:21 Create a query that will list all the Books in ascending order.
09:28 Include all fields.
09:31 Name it as ‘List of all books in the Library’.
09:38 This brings us to the end of this tutorial on Creating Queries using Wizard in LibreOffice Base
09:45 To summarize, we learned how to : Create simple queries using,the Query wizard Select fields,Set the sorting order of the fields,And provide search criteria or conditions for a query.
10:00 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project, supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India.
10:12 This project is co-ordinated by http://spoken-tutorial.org.
10:17 More information on the same is available at the following link.
10:22 This script has been contributed by Priya Suresh, DesiCrew Solutiions.

And this is soundharya, DesiCrew Solutions, signing off.

Thanks for joining

Contributors and Content Editors

Gaurav, Minal, PoojaMoolya, Sandhya.np14