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||In this tutorial, we will learn about: '''Conditional Operator''' '''If..Or statement''''''Basic statistic  functions''' '''Rounding off numbers'''.  
||In this tutorial, we will learn about: '''Conditional Operator''' '''If..Or statement''' '''Basic statistic  functions''' '''Rounding off numbers'''.  

Revision as of 15:25, 26 October 2016

Resources for recording Formulas and Functions

Time Narration
00:00 Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Formulas and Functions in LibreOffice Calc.
00:07 In this tutorial, we will learn about: Conditional Operator If..Or statement Basic statistic functions Rounding off numbers.
00:19 Here, we are using Ubuntu Linux version 10.04 as our operating system and LibreOffice Suite version 3.3.4.
00:30 We have already learnt to apply the basic arithmetic operators like addition, subtraction and average on data.
00:39 Now, let’s learn about a few other useful operators.
00:43 One of the most commonly used operator is the Conditional Operator.
00:51 Conditional Operators: check for the condition applied on the data by the user
00:56 and then show results in Boolean - TRUE or FALSE.
01:01 Let’s open “Personal-Finance-Tracker.ods”.
01:05 Here, under the heading “Cost”, we have listed the prices of several items.
01:11 Let’s apply conditional operators on them and analyze the results.
01:17 Let’s click on the cell referenced as “B10” and type “Condition Result” inside it.
01:24 Now, click on the cell referenced as “C10”.
01:28 The condition’s result will be applied and displayed in this cell.
01:33 Note that the cost of the “House Rent” is rupees 6,000.
01:38 The cost for the “Electricity Bill” is rupees 800.
01:43 The cost of “House Rent” is more than that of “Electricity Bill”.
01:48 We can apply different conditions on them and check the results.
01:54 Click on the cell referenced as “C10”.
01:57 In this cell, type the first condition as: is equal to C3 greater than C4 and press the Enter key.
02:09 Since the value in cell C3 is greater than the value in cell 'C4', the result we get is “TRUE”.
02:18 Now, let us change this conditional statement to: is equal to C3 less than C4.
02:26 Press Enter.
02:28 The result we get is FALSE.
02:32 In the same manner, you can apply other conditional statements and study the results.
02:38 These statements are very useful when dealing with large amounts of data.
02:44 You can also use the If and Or condition on data
02:49 to print the results according to the condition that holds TRUE.
02:55 Let’s click on the cell referenced as “C10” and type:
02:59 is equal to IF and within braces, C3 greater than C4 comma, within double quotes “Positive” comma and again within double quotes “Negative”.
03:16 This means, if the value in cell C3 is greater than the value in cell C4, “Positive” will be displayed
03:25 or else “Negative” will be displayed.
03:28 Now, press Enter.
03:31 Notice that the result is “Positive” since rupees 6000 is greater than rupees 800.
03:39 Now, in the conditional statement, let’s change “greater than” to “less than” and press the Enter key.
03:47 Note that the result is now “Negative”, as the value in cell C3 is greater than the value in cell C4.
03:57 You can also see the change in result, if we change the data in the cells C3 and C4.
04:04 The result which is displayed now is Negative.
04:09 Now, let us increase the value in cell C4 to “7000” and press the Enter key.
04:17 The result automatically changes to “Positive”.
04:22 Again, let’s decrease the value in cell C4 to “800”
04:26 and press the Enter key.
04:29 The result again automatically changes to “Negative”.
04:34 Now, let us delete the changes made.
04:38 Next, let’s learn a few arithmetic and statistic functions.
04:43 Basic arithmetic functions include:SUM for addition,PRODUCT for multiplication,QUOTIENT for division and many more which we have already learnt in the earlier tutorials.
04:57 Now, let’s perform some operations to check how the Sum, Product and the Quotient functions work.
05:05 First, let’s select “Sheet 3”.
05:08 Enter the numbers “50”, ”100” and ”150” within the cells referenced “B1”, “B2” and “B3” respectively.
05:19 Click on the cell A4 and type SUM.
05:23 Click on the cell B4.
05:26 We shall compute the result in this cell.
05:30 Type: is equal to “SUM” and within the braces B1 comma B2 comma B3.
05:37 Press Enter.
05:39 Notice the result shows “300”.
05:43 You can also enter a range of cells like this.
05:47 Click on B4 again.
05:49 Now, within the braces, instead of B1 comma B2 comma B3, type B1 colon B3
05:58 Press Enter.
06:00 Once again, the result shows “300”.
06:03 Now, let’s click on the cell “A5” and type: “PRODUCT”.
06:08 Click on the cell “B5”.
06:10 Here, type: is equal to “PRODUCT” and within the braces, B1 colon B3.
06:18 Press Enter.
06:20 Notice, the result shows “7,50,000”.
06:26 Now, let’s see how Quotient works.
06:29 Click on the cell referenced “A6” and type: “QUOTIENT”.
06:34 Now click on the cell “B6”.
06:37 We shall use this cell to compute the result.
06:40 And type: is equal to QUOTIENT and within the braces, B2 comma B1.
06:47 Press Enter.
06:49 You will get the result as “2”. That is because “100” divided by “50” gives 2.
06:59 Similarly, we can perform various arithmetic operations in Calc.
07:05 Now, let’s learn how to implement Statistic Functions.
07:09 Statistical functions are useful for analysis of data in spreadsheets.For example-functions like COUNT, MIN, MAX, MEDIAN, MODE and many more are statistical in nature.
07:27 First, let us click on sheet 1.
07:30 Let’s see how to find the minimum, the maximum and the median costs, using statistical functions.
07:37 Let’s click on the cell referenced as “C10” where we will be displaying the result.
07:44 Under the heading “Cost”, we have very few entries.
07:48 The minimum cost is rupees 300.
07:51 The maximum cost is rupees 6000.
07:55 These are the results which should be displayed when we use their functions.
08:00 In the cell “C10”, let’s type: is equal to MAX and within braces C3 colon C7.
08:10 Now, press the Enter key.
08:13 Notice that the result is “6000” which is the maximum value in the column.
08:20 Now, let’s replace the term “MAX” in the statement with “MIN”
08:25 and press the Enter key.
08:28 Note that the result is “300” which is the minimum amount in the Cost column.
08:34 To find the median value, replace the term “MIN” with “MEDIAN”
08:40 and press the Enter key.
08:43 The result shows “800” which is the median cost in the column.
08:50 Similarly, you can use other statistical functions on data and analyze them accordingly.
08:58 Let us delete the changes in this cell.
09:02 Now, let’s learn how to round off numbers.
09:05 Let us make few changes under the heading- “Cost”.
09:09 We shall change:“6000” to “6000.34”“600” to “600.4”, ”300” to “300.3”.
09:23 Now, click on the cell referenced as “B11” and type the heading “ROUNDING OFF”.
09:31 Click on the cell referenced as “C11” where we will find the total of the items under the heading “Cost”.
09:39 In the cell C11, let’s type: is equal to SUM and within braces C3 colon C7.
09:49 Now, press the Enter key.
09:53 Notice that the total is “9701.04”.
09:59 Now, suppose, we don’t want any decimal places in our result.
10:04 The best solution is to round off the result to the nearest whole number.
10:09 Let us click on the cell with the total “9701.04”.
10:15 Type: is equal to ROUND, open brace SUM and again within braces C3 colon C7.
10:25 Close the brace. Press the Enter key.
10:29 You see that the result is now “9701” which is “9701.04”, rounded off to the nearest whole number.
10:44 Rounding off can also be done to either the lower whole number or the higher number.
10:52 Let’s click on the cell with the result and edit the term “ROUND” to “ROUNDUP”.
10:59 Now, press the Enter key.
11:02 You see that the result is now “9702” which is the higher whole number.
11:10 In order to round off to the lower whole number, change the term “ROUNDUP” to “ROUNDDOWN”
11:17 and press the Enter key.
11:19 The result is now “9701” which is the lower whole number.
11:28 Let us undo these changes in order to get our “Personal-Finance-Tracker.ods” to its original form.
11:37 This brings us to the end of this Spoken Tutorial on LibreOffice Calc.
11:43 To summarize, we learned about: Conditional Operator If..Or statement Basic statistic functions Rounding off numbers.
11:55 Watch the video available at the following link.
11:58 It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.
12:01 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.
12:06 The Spoken Tutorial project team:
12:08 Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials.
12:11 Gives certificates for those who pass an online test.
12:15 For more details, please write to:contact at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org.
12:21 Spoken Tutorial project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project.
12:26 It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India.
12:34 More information on this mission is available at:
12:37 spoken hyphen tutorial dot org slash NMEICT hyphen Intro.
12:45 This tutorial has been contributed by DesiCrew Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Minal, PoojaMoolya, Pratik kamble, Sandhya.np14