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Time Narration
00:00 Hello and welcome. I have decided to create seperate tutorials for each looping statement.
00:07 I want to keep it simple. This will be useful as a reference also if you need to refer to how a particular loop works.
00:17 In this tutorial, we will learn about the WHILE loop
00:21 A WHILE loop checks for a condition at the start at the loop and executes the code depending on whether this condition is True or not
00:38 for example I'll start my 'WHILE loop' here and this is the condition and this is my block.
00:51 I'll represent my block between curly brackets.
00:56 My condition is here. Now, in the 'IF statement', for example I used 1==1.
01:04 Now if I say 'test' or 'loop' here.
01:07 This is a loop here and then a break. Now what happens is as long as 1=1, it would create a loop
01:17 If I do something here, lets try this.
01:22 It would probably crash your browser because the loop would be repeated as long as 1=1 and for infinite no. of times, 1 will always equal 1.
01:34 So since the loop will always be repeated, your browser will crash.
01:40 Lets say while a variable, 'num' is smaller or equal to 10 and under echo i can say - 'num ++'
01:57 '++' is an arithmetical operator. And what it basically does is, it increases num by 1. It is the same as writing 'num =num +1'
02:16 So it takes num and says that it is equal to the value of num plus 1.
02:23 So this again is an arithmetical operator. What's going to happen is -
02:29 We are going to say 'num' lesser than or equal to '10', if yes then echo loop and then say add 1 on to the variable num
02:41 But what we should really do is create 'num = 1' at the moment. So loop once at 1. This will then equal 2 then 3 then 4 all the way up to 10 and then it will stop
03:01 After that the rest of the code below this will continue.
03:06 So we said this 1 and see what will we get. Okay we got a loop 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 times
03:20 Now to make it more fun I'll say loop 1 and I'll concatenate 'num' to the end of that
03:27 In fact let's make it simpler and say 'num' inside - it will make it much easier to read
03:37 Okay I'll say loop 1 and add 1 and then I'll say loop 2 and I'll add another 1; that's loop 3 add another 1 up to 10.
03:49 Lets open this up. Refresh it. There you go. You got loop 1,2,3 all the way up to 10 as you can see
03:58 Lets change this value here to 100. Refresh that. You can see it has gone to hundred. The bigger the number, the longer it will take to loop
04:08 Let's take 6000. Let's refresh that. It's going to take a while. There you go - up to 6000. So it's very efficient in this way
04:20 You can try combining this with an 'array' to create a program that echoes out of the alphabet inside the 'array'
04:27 You can use loops to echo out every single value of an array
04:32 Just give it a go. I will probably do this in one my tutorial - not in the basics section though
04:40 However, this is the basics structure. What I also recommend you to do is create a variable here called 'max' and put your maximum value here
04:53 This will do exactly the same thing. It's just a lot more easy to read and you can declare all this here and this would be a reference to it
05:03 If you have more than 1 loop. I prefer it for readability and flexibility for my program. Okay so that's a WHILE loop. Let me summarise. It checks the condition of the start
05:17 If the condition is True. it would execute this block of code and you can do things like 'echo alpha'
05:24 Your variable is being incremented. Make sure that you do increment your variable otherwise it will loop for infinity.
05:32 Thanks for watching. This is Sidharth for the Spoken Tutorial Project, signing off. Goodbye.

Contributors and Content Editors

Minal, PoojaMoolya, Pratik kamble, Sandhya.np14