Difference between revisions of "GIMP/C2/Selecting-Sections-Part-2/English-timed"

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(8 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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{| border = 1
{| border = 1
| 00:23
|Welcome to '''Meet The GIMP'''.
| 00.23
| 00:25
|'''Meet The GIMP''' માં સ્વાગત છે.
|My name is Rolf Steinort and I am recording this in Bremen, Northern Germany.  
| 00.25
| 00:31
|આ નોર્થન જર્મની બ્રેમેનમાંથી રોલ્ફ સ્ટીનોર્ટ દ્વારા નિર્માંણીત છે.
| Today, we will talk about the '''Fuzzy Select Tool'''.  
| 00.31
| 00:36
| આજે આપણે '''Fuzzy Select''' ટૂલ વિશે ચર્ચા કરીશું.
|It is closely related to the '''Select by Colour''' tool.  
| 00.36
| 00:40
|'''select by colour''' સાથે નજીકથી સંબંધિત છે.
|But the '''Fuzzy Select Tool''' selects only one contiguous region and the '''colour select tool''' selects all regions with similar colours.
| 00.40
| 00:54
|પણ '''Fuzzy Select''' ટૂલ ફક્ત સંલગ્ન વિસ્તાર પસંદ કરે છે અને '''colour select''' ટૂલ સમાન રંગો ધરાવતા તમામ વિસ્તારો પસંદ કરે છે.
|There are some similar options like '''Replace, Add, Subtract''' and '''Intersect''' with the current '''selection''' and now I select '''Replace'''.  
| 00.54
| 01:08
|અહીં કેટલાક સરખા વિકલ્પો છે જેમ કે '''Replace''', '''Add''', '''Subtract''' અને '''Intersect with the current selection''', અને હમણાં હું '''Add''' પસંદ કરું છું.
|Here you can see the same option, '''Antialiasing'''.
| 01.08
|અહીં તમે સમાન વિકલ્પ જોઈ શકો છો, '''Antialiasing'''.
| 01.13
| 01:13
|જો આપણે '''Antialiasing''' પસંદ કરીએ છીએ, તો પસંદ કરેલ વિસ્તારની કિનારી તીક્ષ્ણ રહેતી નથી અને તમને સુવાળા ખૂણાઓ મળે છે.
|If we select '''Antialiasing''', border of the selection is not sharp and you get smooth corners.  
| 01.23
| 01:23
| અને જો પસંદ ન કરવામાં આવે તો તમને પસંદ કરેલ અને ન પસંદ કરેલ વિસ્તાર દરમ્યાન ખરેખર તીક્ષ્ણ કિનારી મળે છે.
| And if it is not selected then you have a really sharp border between selected and unselected.  
| 01.33
| 01:33
|તે ઉપરાંતનાં વિકલ્પો છે '''Feather Edges''' અને '''Select Transparent Areas'''..
|The further options are '''Feather edges''' and '''Select transparent areas'''.
| 01.41
| 01:41
| ''Select Transparent Areas''' કદાચિત માસ્ક સેન્સર ઓન હોય એ વેળાએ ઉપયોગી છે.
| '''Select transparent areas''' is useful while using mask sensor on perhaps.  
| 01.50
| 01:50
|'''Sample marge''' બાકી બધાની જેમ જ છે અને તે તમામ દૃશ્યમાન લેયરોને પસંદ કરે છે.
|'''Sample merged''' is the same as with the other and it selects all the visible '''layers'''.  
| 01.58
| 01:58
|જો તેને પસંદ ન કરાય તો તે વર્તમાન લેયર પર કામ કરે છે.
|If it is not selected then it works on current layer.  
| 02.04
| 02:04
|જો તમે ઈમેજનાં કુલ આઉટપુટમાંથી કઈક પસંદ કરવા માટે ઈચ્છો છો તો આ વિકલ્પ પસંદ કરો.   
|If you want to select something from the total output of image then select this option.   
| 02.11
| 02:11
|અહીં '''Threshold''' છે જે વ્યાખ્યિત કરે છે કે પસંદગીમાં રંગો વચ્ચે કેટલું તફાવત માન્ય છે અથવા કે કશુંક પસંદગી બહાર હોય છે.
|Here is '''Threshold''' which defines how much difference between the colours is allowed to be in the selection or when something is out of selection.  
| 02.24
| 02:24
|તે પીક્સલો પસંદગી માટે મદદ કરે છે જે કે એક ચોક્કસ રંગ ધરાવતું હોય છે.
|It helps in selecting the pixels that have one definite colour.  
| 02.30
| 02:30
|પછીની મહત્વપૂર્ણ પસંદગી છે, કે કયો મોડ તમને પસંદગીમાં જોઈએ છે.
|The next important selection is, which mode do you want to have in the selection.  
| 02.37
| 02:37
|'''composite''' મોડ એ ઉમેરાયેલા લાલ, લીલી અને ભૂરી ચેનલોની ગ્રે વેલ્યુ છે.
|The '''Composite''' mode is the gray value of added '''Red, Green''' and '''Blue''' channels.  
| 02.44
| 02:44
તમે તમારા પસંદગીનાં પાયા તરીકે લાલ, લીલી, ભૂરી ચેનલ અથવા '''Hue''', '''Saturation''' કે '''Value''' ચેનલ પસંદ કરી શકો છો.
|You can select the '''Red''', the '''Green''', the '''Blue''' channel or the '''Hue, Saturation''' or the '''Value''' channel as the base for your selection.  
| હવે ચાલો '''Fuzzy Select''' ટૂલ પસંદ કરીએ.
| Now let's try '''Fuzzy Select Tool'''.
| મેં હમણાં જ ઈમેજમાં ક્લિક કર્યું છે અને '''threshold''' શૂન્ય છે તો ચાલો જોઈએ કે શું થાય છે.
| I just click into the image and the '''Threshold''' is zero, so let's see what happens.  
|મેં પસંદગી કરી છે જે કે માપમાં એક પીક્સલ છે.  
|I make a selection which is one pixel in size.  
|હવે હું '''Threshold''' ની માત્રા માની લો કે '''30''' સુધી વધારું છું અને ઈમેજમાં ક્લિક કરું છું અને અહીં '''toggle quick mask''' પર ક્લિક કરું છું.
|Now I increase the amount of '''Threshold''' to say 30 and click into the image and click on '''Toggle Quick Mask''' here.
| હવે તમે પસંદ કરેલ વિસ્તાર જોઈ શકો છો.
| Now you can see the area which is selected.  
|હું '''quick mask toggle''' ને ના-પસંદ કરું છું, ટૂલ બોક્સ મેળવવા '''tab''' દબાવું છું અને બધું જ ના પસંદ કરવા હેતુ '''Shift+Ctrl+A''' દબાવું છું.
|I de-select the '''Quick Mask toggle''', press '''tab''' to get the toolbox and press '''Shift+Ctrl+A''' to unselect everything.  
|હું આ વિભિન્ન રીતે કરી શકું છું અને તે માટે હું '''threshold''' શૂન્ય સુધી ઘટાડુ છું અને ઈમેજમાં ક્લિક કરું છું અને હવે હું માઉસને નીચે અને જમણી બાજુએ દોરી જાઉં છું.
|I can do this in a different way and for that, I decrease the '''Threshold''' to zero and click into the image and now, I am drawing the mouse down and right.  
| 04.03
| 04:03
|જ્યારે હું '''threshold''' વધારું છું, તમે જોઈ શકો છો કે હું આ ભૂરા વિસ્તારમાં જઈ રહ્યી છું પણ હું હજુયે ભીંત પર છું.
|When I increase the '''threshold''', you can see that I am going into this blue area but I am still on the wall.  
| 04.13
| 04:13
|મને લાગે છે કે આ ટૂલ ગ્રાફિક ડિઝાઇનરો માટે વધારે ઉપયોગી છે અને ન કે ફોટોગ્રાફરો માટે.  
|I think, this tool is more useful for graphic designers and not for photographers.
| 04.22
| 04:22
|તમે ફક્ત માઉસ ખેંચીને '''threshold''' બદલી કરી શકો છો.
|You can change the '''Threshold''' by just pulling the mouse.  
| 04.26
| 04:26
|'''colour selection''' ટૂલમાં આ એજ રીતે કામ કરે છે.
|This works the same in '''colour selection''' tool.  
| 04.32
| 04:32
|હું '''Select by''' '''Composite''' થી '''Hue''' બદલી કરું છું અને એજ સ્થાને ક્લિક કરું છું અને નીચેની તરફ દોરી જાઉં છું.
|I change '''Select by''' from '''Composite''' to '''Hue''' and click at the same point and draw to the bottom.  
| 04.43
| 04:43
| તમે જોઈ શકો છો કે મારી પાસે પહેલા હતી એ કરતા, ભીંતનાં ભૂરા, લીલા ભાગની વધુ સારી પસંદગીઓ છે.
| You can see that I have a way better selection of  blue, green part of the wall, than I had before.
| 04.54
| 04:54
|આમ રંગ વ્યાખ્યાની યોગ્ય પધ્ધત પસંદ કરવી આ ટૂલ સાથે સારું પરિણામ આપે છે.
|So, choosing the right method of colour definition gives good result with this tool.  
| 05.05
| 05:05
|હું '''quick mask''' માં ક્લિક કરું છું અને અહીં તમે જુઓ કે આ લગભગ સંપૂર્ણ છે, માત્ર કેટલાક ભાગોને સમારકામ કરવું છે અને હું તે '''quick mask''' માં રંગકામ કરીને કરીશ અને ન કે આ પસંદગી ટૂલો વડે.
|I click into the '''quick mask''' and here you see it’s nearly perfect; only some parts to repair and I would do that with painting in the '''quick mask''' and not with these selection tools.  
| 05.25
| 05:25
|જો તમે મોડ પસંદ કરવા અંગે ગુંચવણમાં છો તો તમે તમારી ઈમેજને '''channel''' મોડમાં વિભિન્ન ચેનલોમાં જોઈ શકો છો.
|If you are confused about selecting the mode then you can see your image in different channels in the '''Channels''' mode.  
| 05.41
| 05:41
|'''blue''' ચેનલ પસંદ કરો અને તમે જોયું કે બધું જ લગભગ ભૂરી વેલ્યુનાં બરાબર છે.
|Select the '''Blue''' channel and you see that everything has nearly the same '''blue''' value.
| 05.50
| 05:50
| '''green''' ચેનલમાં અહીં અમુક તફાવતો છે.
| In the '''Green''' channel, there are some differences.
| 05.55
| 05:55
|'''red''' ચેનલમાં અહીં તે લગભગ સરખું જ છે.
| In the '''Red''' channel, it’s nearly the same here.  
| 05.59
| 05:59
| તેથી પસંદગી માટે હું '''green''' ચેનલ પસંદ કરીશ અથવા આ કિસ્સામાં '''Hue''' ચેનલ.
| So, I would select the '''Green''' channel for selecting or in this case '''Hue''' channel.
| 06.10
| 06:10
|'''Selecting colour''' એ અહીં આગળનું ટૂલ છે અને અહીં તેની પાસે સમાન ફંક્શન અને સમાન વિકલ્પો છે.
|'''Selecting colour''' is the next tool here and it has the same function and same options here.  
| 06.19
| 06:19
|તે ફક્ત એક તફાવત ધરાવે છે.
|It has only one difference.  
| 06.22
| 06:22
| જો તમે અહીં ક્લિક કરો છો, તમે તમામ ફીલ્ડોને આ રંગથી પસંદ કરો છો અને ન કે એક સંલગ્ન વિસ્તારને.
| If you click here, you will select all fields with this colour and not one contiguous area.
| 06.32
| 06:32
| '''colour selection''' ટૂલ, એકસમાન રંગથી તમામ વિસ્તારો પસંદ કરે છે.
| The '''colour selection''' tool selects all the areas with the similar colour.
| 06.41
| 06:41
|આગળનાં ટૂલનું નામ '''intelligent scissors''' અથવા '''scissors selection''' ટૂલ છે.
|The name of the next tool is  '''Intelligent scissors''' or '''Scissors selection tool''' .
| 06.48
| 06:48
|આ અલ્ગોરિધમ કિનારીઓ માટે જુએ છે અને પસંદગી સાથે તેનું અનુસરણ કરવાનો પ્રયાસ કરે છે.
|This algorithm looks for edges and tries to follow them with the selection.
| 06.56
| 06:56
અને હું અહીં આ અક્ષર બોક્સને પસંદ કરવા માંગું છું
And I want to select here, these letter boxes.
| 07.10
| 07:10
| તો હું પસંદગી ટૂલને સક્રિય કરું છું અને એક પોઈન્ટ અહીં ખેંચું છું અને કર્સર નજીક મને એક સરવાળાનું ચિન્હ મળે છે અને સામાન્ય રીતે હું પોઈન્ટને પસંદ કરું છું.  
| So, I activate the '''selection tool''' and I pull a point here and I get a plus sign near the cursor and I simply select the points.  
|અલ્ગોરિધમ માનો કે કિનારીઓનાં અનુસરણ લીધે છે અને તમે જોઈ શકો છો કે તેણે બીજો માર્ગ અપનાવ્યો નથી, તેણે અંદરનો માર્ગ લીધો છે.
|The algorithm is supposed to follow the borders and you can see here, it didn’t take the other way, it took the inside way.  
|હું ઈમેજમાં ઝૂમ કરું છું અને હવે હું આ પોઈન્ટને અહીં સુધી દોરી શકું છું અને આ પોઈન્ટને પસંદ કરવા પર એક ભૂલ થઇ છે.
|I zoom into the image and now I can draw this point up to here and there was a mistake with selecting this point.  
| 08.13
| 08:13
|તેથી હું આ પોઈન્ટ ઉપર ખેંચું છું અને તમે જોઈ શકો છો કે અલ્ગોરિધમ કિનારીઓનું અનુસરણ કરે છે જો તમે પુરતી માહિતી આપો છો કે ક્યાં અનુસરણ કરવું છે.
|So, I pull these points up and you can see the algorithm follows the border, if you give enough information where to follow.  
| 08.30
| 08:30
|આ ખુબ સારું લાગે છે પરંતુ હું આને સામાન્ય રીતે વાપરતી નથી કારણ કે આ કરવાનાં અહીં વધુ સારા માર્ગો છે.
|It looks pretty good but I usually don’t use this because there are better ways to do this.  
| 08.44
| 08:44
|મને લાગે છે કે હું '''colour selection''' ટૂલ વાપરીશ કારણ કે તે હમેશા અનુચિત માર્ગને ગોળ કરી દે છે.  
|I think, I would use the '''colour selection''' tool because it always takes the wrong way round.  
| 08.56
| 08:56
|તો મેં સિલેકશન સાથે પતાવી લીધું છે.
|So, I finished with the '''selection'''.  
| 09.10
| 09:10
|હું અહીં આ પહેલા પોઈન્ટ પર ક્લિક કરું છું અને કર્સર પ્લસમાં પરિવર્તિત થાય છે.   
|I just click on the first point here and the cursor changes to plus.   
| 09.17
| 09:17
|Now put the next point and I have these 2 rings making a loop out of it.
|Now, put the next point and I have these two rings making a loop out of it.
| 09.25
| 09:25
|I can still move the point around here and make the selection better.  
|I can still move the point around here and make the selection better.  
| 09.33
| 09:33
|So,when I now click into the selection 2nd time, the selction is selected.  
|So, when I now click into the selection second time, the '''selection''' is selected.  
| 09.42
| 09:42
|And to look at the quality I activate the quick mask and zoom into it.  
|And, to look at the quality, I activate the '''Quick Mask''' and zoom into it.  
|Now I look around in the selection.  
|Now, I look around in the selection.  
| 10.04
| 10:04
|Here is my fault, I should have clicked here.  
|Here is my fault, I should have clicked here.  
| 10.10
| 10:10
|So this is the fairly intelligent scissors.  
|So, this is the fairly intelligent scissors.  
| 10.17
| 10:17
|The next and the last tool I want to cover today is the foreground selection tool.     
|The next and the last tool I want to cover today is the '''Foreground Selection Tool'''.     
| 10.24
| 10:24
|It was quite sensation when the algorithm came out sometime ago and it was not so sensational in using in the GIMP.  
|It was quite sensation when the algorithm came out sometime ago and it was not so sensational in using in the GIMP.  
| 10.37
| 10:37
|But lets give it a try.   
|But, let's give it a try.   
| Here are the same modes and antialiasing isn’t activatable.  
| Here are the same modes and '''antialiasing''' isn’t activatable.  
|And here I want to select one single area and I want to select the statue.
|And here, I want to select one single area and I want to select the statue.
|  So 1st I zoom into the image, to get a  better control.  
|  So, first I zoom into the image to get a  better control.  
|Now I select the selection tool and I can select contiguous region or different region but I select the contiguous region.   
|Now, I select the '''selection tool''' and I can select contiguous region or different region but I select the '''Contiguous''' region.   
|First I make a rough selection here with the automatic laser tool and now you can see that the area which is not selected is in blue colour.  
|First I make a rough selection here, with the automatic laser tool. And now you can see that the area which is not selected, is in blue colour.  
| 11.44
| 11:44
|I have selected a brush here and I can control the diameter of the brush with this slider and I paint through this stuff I want to have selected.  
|I have selected a brush here and I can control the diameter of the brush with this slider and I paint through this stuff I want to have selected.  
| 11.59
| 11:59
|I have to see that I don’t select stuff which I don’t want to have in the image.  
|I have to see that I don’t select stuff which I don’t want to have in the image.  
| 12.17
| 12:17
| When I release the mouse button, the algorithm starts to work and some areas here has to be selected.  
| When I release the mouse button, the algorithm starts to work and some areas here have to be selected.  
| 12.27
| 12:27
| Everytime the selection gets updated and area that is similar to the stuff I just painted over gets selected.   
| Every time the selection gets updated and area that is similar to the stuff I just painted over, gets selected.   
| 12.42
| 12:42
| Now I click on Mark Background and start painting the background that I don’t want to have in the image.  
| Now, I click on '''Mark Background''' and start painting the background that I don’t want to have in the image.  
|This tool works better when there’s more difference between the selected part and the stuff which is not selected and here the difference is not big enough.  
|This tool works better when there is more difference between the selected part and the stuff which is not selected and here the difference is not big enough.  
| 13.12
| 13:12
| Just press enter to accept the selection.  
| Just press '''Enter''' to accept the selection.  
| 13.17
| 13:17
| I think you have got an idea of how this tool works.  
| I think, you have got an idea of how this tool works.  
| 13.27
| 13:27
|The path tool belongs also to this part but I’ll cover that sometimes else.  
|The '''Paths''' tool belongs also to this part but I will cover that sometimes else.  
| 13.36
| 13:36
| In the select menu there are some other stuff you can do with selections and i'll cover that also sometime else.  
| In the '''Select''' menu, there are some other stuff you can do with '''selections''' and I will cover that also sometime else.  
| 13.48
| 13:48
| So this was it for this tutorial.  
| So, this was it for this tutorial.  
| 13.52
| 13:52
| Let me hear some comments and I promise you for the next show with really new things which are viewer Generated content.  
| Let me hear some comments and I promise you for the next show with really new things which are viewer generated content.  
| 14.05
| 14:05
| You will find a link to this file in the show notes at meetthegimp.org and if you want to leave a comment then please do that.  
| You will find a link to this file in the show notes at meetthegimp.org and if you want to leave a comment then please do that.  
| 14.19
| 14:19
|This is Hemant Waidande dubbing for the Spoken Tutorial Project.
|This is Hemant Waidande, dubbing for the Spoken Tutorial Project.

Latest revision as of 15:59, 5 May 2015

Time Narration
00:23 Welcome to Meet The GIMP.
00:25 My name is Rolf Steinort and I am recording this in Bremen, Northern Germany.
00:31 Today, we will talk about the Fuzzy Select Tool.
00:36 It is closely related to the Select by Colour tool.
00:40 But the Fuzzy Select Tool selects only one contiguous region and the colour select tool selects all regions with similar colours.
00:54 There are some similar options like Replace, Add, Subtract and Intersect with the current selection and now I select Replace.
01:08 Here you can see the same option, Antialiasing.
01:13 If we select Antialiasing, border of the selection is not sharp and you get smooth corners.
01:23 And if it is not selected then you have a really sharp border between selected and unselected.
01:33 The further options are Feather edges and Select transparent areas.
01:41 Select transparent areas is useful while using mask sensor on perhaps.
01:50 Sample merged is the same as with the other and it selects all the visible layers.
01:58 If it is not selected then it works on current layer.
02:04 If you want to select something from the total output of image then select this option.
02:11 Here is Threshold which defines how much difference between the colours is allowed to be in the selection or when something is out of selection.
02:24 It helps in selecting the pixels that have one definite colour.
02:30 The next important selection is, which mode do you want to have in the selection.
02:37 The Composite mode is the gray value of added Red, Green and Blue channels.
02:44 You can select the Red, the Green, the Blue channel or the Hue, Saturation or the Value channel as the base for your selection.
02:56 Now let's try Fuzzy Select Tool.
03:01 I just click into the image and the Threshold is zero, so let's see what happens.
03:08 I make a selection which is one pixel in size.
03:13 Now I increase the amount of Threshold to say 30 and click into the image and click on Toggle Quick Mask here.
03:28 Now you can see the area which is selected.
03:37 I de-select the Quick Mask toggle, press tab to get the toolbox and press Shift+Ctrl+A to unselect everything.
03:49 I can do this in a different way and for that, I decrease the Threshold to zero and click into the image and now, I am drawing the mouse down and right.
04:03 When I increase the threshold, you can see that I am going into this blue area but I am still on the wall.
04:13 I think, this tool is more useful for graphic designers and not for photographers.
04:22 You can change the Threshold by just pulling the mouse.
04:26 This works the same in colour selection tool.
04:32 I change Select by from Composite to Hue and click at the same point and draw to the bottom.
04:43 You can see that I have a way better selection of blue, green part of the wall, than I had before.
04:54 So, choosing the right method of colour definition gives good result with this tool.
05:05 I click into the quick mask and here you see it’s nearly perfect; only some parts to repair and I would do that with painting in the quick mask and not with these selection tools.
05:25 If you are confused about selecting the mode then you can see your image in different channels in the Channels mode.
05:41 Select the Blue channel and you see that everything has nearly the same blue value.
05:50 In the Green channel, there are some differences.
05:55 In the Red channel, it’s nearly the same here.
05:59 So, I would select the Green channel for selecting or in this case Hue channel.
06:10 Selecting colour is the next tool here and it has the same function and same options here.
06:19 It has only one difference.
06:22 If you click here, you will select all fields with this colour and not one contiguous area.
06:32 The colour selection tool selects all the areas with the similar colour.
06:41 The name of the next tool is Intelligent scissors or Scissors selection tool .
06:48 This algorithm looks for edges and tries to follow them with the selection.
06:56 And I want to select here, these letter boxes.
07:10 So, I activate the selection tool and I pull a point here and I get a plus sign near the cursor and I simply select the points.
07:42 The algorithm is supposed to follow the borders and you can see here, it didn’t take the other way, it took the inside way.
07:56 I zoom into the image and now I can draw this point up to here and there was a mistake with selecting this point.
08:13 So, I pull these points up and you can see the algorithm follows the border, if you give enough information where to follow.
08:30 It looks pretty good but I usually don’t use this because there are better ways to do this.
08:44 I think, I would use the colour selection tool because it always takes the wrong way round.
08:56 So, I finished with the selection.
09:10 I just click on the first point here and the cursor changes to plus.
09:17 Now, put the next point and I have these two rings making a loop out of it.
09:25 I can still move the point around here and make the selection better.
09:33 So, when I now click into the selection second time, the selection is selected.
09:42 And, to look at the quality, I activate the Quick Mask and zoom into it.
09:57 Now, I look around in the selection.
10:04 Here is my fault, I should have clicked here.
10:10 So, this is the fairly intelligent scissors.
10:17 The next and the last tool I want to cover today is the Foreground Selection Tool.
10:24 It was quite sensation when the algorithm came out sometime ago and it was not so sensational in using in the GIMP.
10:37 But, let's give it a try.
10:41 Here are the same modes and antialiasing isn’t activatable.
10:48 And here, I want to select one single area and I want to select the statue.
10:57 So, first I zoom into the image to get a better control.
11:06 Now, I select the selection tool and I can select contiguous region or different region but I select the Contiguous region.
11:21 First I make a rough selection here, with the automatic laser tool. And now you can see that the area which is not selected, is in blue colour.
11:44 I have selected a brush here and I can control the diameter of the brush with this slider and I paint through this stuff I want to have selected.
11:59 I have to see that I don’t select stuff which I don’t want to have in the image.
12:17 When I release the mouse button, the algorithm starts to work and some areas here have to be selected.
12:27 Every time the selection gets updated and area that is similar to the stuff I just painted over, gets selected.
12:42 Now, I click on Mark Background and start painting the background that I don’t want to have in the image.
12:54 This tool works better when there is more difference between the selected part and the stuff which is not selected and here the difference is not big enough.
13:12 Just press Enter to accept the selection.
13:17 I think, you have got an idea of how this tool works.
13:27 The Paths tool belongs also to this part but I will cover that sometimes else.
13:36 In the Select menu, there are some other stuff you can do with selections and I will cover that also sometime else.
13:48 So, this was it for this tutorial.
13:52 Let me hear some comments and I promise you for the next show with really new things which are viewer generated content.
14:05 You will find a link to this file in the show notes at meetthegimp.org and if you want to leave a comment then please do that.
14:19 This is Hemant Waidande, dubbing for the Spoken Tutorial Project.

Contributors and Content Editors

Jyotisolanki, Kavita salve, Manivel, Minal, PoojaMoolya, Priyacst, Sandhya.np14