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Revision as of 13:33, 13 December 2018

Visual Cue Narration
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Forums and Assignments in Moodle

Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Forums and Assignments in Moodle.
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Learning Objectives:

In this tutorial, we will learn about:
  • Different types of forums
  • How to add a forum for discussion and
  • How to create Assignments
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OS, Web Server and Moodle Versions

This tutorial is recorded using:
  • Ubuntu Linux OS 16.04
  • Apache, MariaDB and PHP obtained through XAMPP 5.6.30
  • Moodle 3.3


  • Firefox web browser

You may use any web browser of your choice.

However, Internet Explorer should be avoided, as it causes some display inconsistencies.

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This tutorial assumes that
  • Your site administrator has registered you as a teacher and
  • Assigned at least one course to you.
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Assumptions... continued

It also assumes that
  • You have uploaded some course material for your course.
  • If not, please refer to the relevant Moodle tutorials on this website.
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Add a student

To practise this tutorial, you will need to add a student to your course.

To know how to add a student, please refer to the tutorial Users in Moodle.

I have already added a student, Priya Sinha, to my course.

Switch to the browser.


Username: becky0808

Password: Spokentutorial12#

Switch to the browser and login to your Moodle site using the teacher login.
Click on Calculus Click on the Calculus course in the left navigation menu.
Point to the course material and announcements Recall that we had added some course material and announcements earlier.

What are Forums?

Let us understand what are Forums.
  • Forums can be used by teachers and students for discussions and to exchange ideas
  • Whereas Announcements are posted by teachers only

What are Forums?

* Teachers supervise these discussions, to ensure that guidelines are followed by all members
Switch to the browser. Now, we’ll learn how to add a forum.

Switch to the Moodle page.

Click on the gear -> Turn Editing On Click on the gear icon at the top right and then click on Turn Editing On.
Click on Add an activity or resource Click on Add an activity or resource link at the bottom right of the common section.
Select Forum Scroll down and select Forum in the activity chooser.
Click on Add button. Click on the Add button at the bottom of the activity chooser.
Highlight Forum name Forum name will display as a link to the forum on the course page.
Forum name: Interesting web resources on evolutes and involutes I will type Interesting web resources on evolutes and involutes.
Description: Use this forum to share interesting and useful resources on evolutes and involutes. These could be videos, tutorials, books or images. Description can be used to explain the purpose of the forum to the students.

I will type the text as shown here.

Click on Display description on course page Click on Display description on course page checkbox below this text area.
Highlight Forum type Next option is Forum type.

By default, Standard forum for general use is selected.

Click on the drop-down to show all 5 types There are 5 forum types in Moodle.
Click on the Help icon next to the drop-down to read about the types of Forums.
Select Standard forum displayed in a blog-like format Depending on your requirement, you can choose the Forum type.

I will select Standard forum displayed in a blog-like format.

Click Save and display Scroll down and click on Save and display button at the bottom of the page.
Click Add a new topic We are brought to a new page.

Here, click on Add a new topic button.

Subject: Website explaining evolute of a circle

Message: Check this website to understand the evolute of a circle using a normal thread: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Involute.html

Discuss if we can trace evolutes of other curves using such simple objects.

I will type the Subject and Message as shown here.
Rest of the options are similar to that of an announcement.
Click Post to forum Scroll down and click on Post to forum button at the bottom of the page.
Highlight the success message A success message is displayed.
Notice the message says that the author of the post can edit the post within 30 mins.

This however, holds true only for non-teacher profiles.

Point to the Edit | Delete links at the bottom right of the page The teacher who is the moderator and creator of the course, can edit and delete any post at any time.
Logout as Rebecca Raymond.

Login as Priya Sinha and go to Calculus course.

I will now login as student Priya Sinha.

We can then see how a student views this forum.

Click on Interesting web resources on evolutes and involutes Click on the forum name in the list of resources to see the discussions.
Highlight Add a new topic button at the top left.

Click on Discuss this topic at the bottom right.

As a student, I can either Add a new topic or Discuss this topic.

Let me click on Discuss this topic link at the bottom right.

Click on Reply


This is very interesting way to understand evolutes. Thanks!

Then click on the Reply link.

I will add a comment, as shown.

Click on Post to forum Scroll down and click on Post to forum button at the bottom of the page.

You can see the comment has been added to the end of this thread.

Logout as Priya Sinha.

Login as Rebecca Raymond and go to Calculus course.

Let me login as teacher Rebecca again, to see the comment posted by the student.
Click on Interesting web resources on evolutes and involutes

Highlight the text 1 reply so far

Click on the name of the forum.

Notice here,we can see 1 reply so far for this discussion topic.

Click on discuss this topic.

Highlight the options.

The actual message can be seen after clicking on Discuss this topic link, at the bottom right.
Highlight Split link There is another option here named as Split.

If the teacher feels the reply deserves a separate discussion, she can split the discussion.

Continue highlighting the Split link Splitting a discussion creates a new discussion.

The new discussion and later posts in that thread, will be moved to a new discussion thread.

I will let it remain as it is.

Click on Calculus in the breadcrumb. Let us go back to the Calculus course.

Next we will learn how to create an assignment.

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Assignment in Moodle

Assignment in Moodle:
  • can be submitted online, which saves paper
  • enables students to include media files like audio, video, powerpoint presentations, etc. and
  • helps teachers to be unbiased by choosing to grade the students blindly
Go back to the browser. Let’s go back to the browser.
Click on the gear icon

Click on Turn editing on

Turn editing on to add more resources
Click on Add an activity or resource Click on Add an activity or resource link at the bottom right of the Basic Calculus section.
Double-click on Assignment Double-click on Assignment from the list to add a new assignment.
Assignment Name: Assignment 1 – Evolutes and Involutes Let me provide a name for the assignment, as shown here.

1. Determine the evolute of the circle: x 2 +y 2 =R2

2. Determine the evolute of the cycloid: x=t−sint, y=1−cost.

3. Prove that the curve given by the equations:

x = R(cost+tsint), y = R(sint−tcost)

is the involute of the circle of radius R centered at the origin.

Next, describe the assignment in detail and mention what the students are expected to submit.

This is a simple formatted text editor, you can include tables, images, etc.

AssignmentResource.odt file is available in the Code files link of this tutorial. You can copy the text I have typed here from the AssignmentResource.odt file.

It is available in the Code files link of this tutorial.

Highlight Availability Scroll down to see the Availability section.
Highlight Enable checkbox.

Click on the calendar icon.

Allow submissions from: 25 Nov 2018

Next, we will specify the date and time from which submissions can be made.

Ensure Enable boxes checked.

You can also use the calendar icon to select the date.

I will set this as 25 Nov 2018.

Highlight Due date

Due Date: 15 Dec 2018

Then I will set Due date as 15 Dec 2018.
Highlight rest of the date options.

Disable Cut-off date and Remind me to grade by checkbox

Click on the Help icon to find out the meaning of Cut-off date and Remind me to grade by date.

Set them if required or disable if not required.

I will disable them.

Uncheck Always show description Uncheck Always show description checkbox.
  • If this field is enabled,
  • Then students can see the description of the assignment even before the Allow submissions from date.
Highlight Submission types section Next is the Submission types section.

Decide if you want to allow students to submit online text or want them to only upload files.

Check Online text and File Submissions checkboxes. I will check both Online text and File submissions.

Depending on your requirement, you can choose either one or both the options.

Check Enable checkbox.

Enter 1000 in the text field.

I will enable the Word limit and enter 1000 here.
Highlight Maximum number of uploaded files field

Highlight Maximum submission size field.

Highlight Accepted file types field.

You can specify the number of files each student can upload, as well.

Additionally, we can specify the maximum file size and the types of files we will accept.

Please note:

This will override the maximum file size set by the admin, which is 128 MB, in our case.

Click on the ? icon

Enter .pdf,.docx,.doc

Click on the Help icon next to Accepted file types.

Here we can read about the file types this field accepts.

I will type .pdf,.docx,.doc here.

Expand Feedback types section

Expand Submission settings section

Review the fields under Feedback types and Submission settings.

You can enable or disable them based on your requirements.

Check Feedback types checkboxes: Feedback comments, Feedback files

Require students click submit button: Yes

Attempts reopened: Manually

Maximum attempts: 2

I have chosen the settings as shown.
Expand Grades section Now, scroll down and click on the Grades section to expand it.
Highlight Maximum Grade The maximum grade by default is 100.

We will let this remain as it is.

Grade to pass: 40 Then I will enter the Grade to pass as 40.
Blind marking: Yes And set Blind marking to Yes.

This will hide the identity of the student from the evaluators.

So now, as a teacher, I won’t know which student has submitted which assignment.

Which invariably, helps me to be unbiased while grading.

Narration only Please note that
  • Blind marking setting cannot be changed for this assignment
  • after any submission is made.
There are various other settings for the assignment which you can explore on your own.
Click Save and display Now, scroll down and click on Save and display button.
Highlight as per narration. You can see some statistics about the assignment here.

And a link to view all submissions and grade.


With this, we come to the end of this tutorial.

Let us summarize.

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In this tutorial, we learnt about:
  • Different types of forums
  • How to add a forum and
  • How to create Assignments
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Here is a small assignment for you.
  • Add a reply to the forum discussion created earlier.
  • Split the discussion from this reply onwards.
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Assignment CONTD.

* Create an assignment that accepts only online text submissions.
  • Refer to the Assignment link of this tutorial for details.
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(About Spoken Tutorial Project)

The video at the following link, summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

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(About Spoken Tutorial Project)

The Spoken Tutorial Project Team conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

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(About Spoken Tutorial Forum)

Please post your timed queries in this forum.
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Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India. More information on this mission is available at the link shown.
This script has been contributed by Nancy and Priyanka.

And this is Nancy Varkey along with the Spoken Tutorial team signing off.

Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Nancyvarkey, Nirmala Venkat