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Title of script: How to Use Django admin app

Keywords: Video tutorial, Django Admin App, Web Application Framework

Visual cue Narration
Slide: Use Django Admin App Hello and welcome to the spoken tutorial on “How to Use Django admin app
Slide: Learning Objectives In this tutorial, we will learn to
  • Use Django admin app
  • Create an admin user
Slide: System Requirements To record this tutorial, I am using
  • Ubuntu Linux OS 16.04
  • Python 3.5
  • Python 3.4-venv or higher
  • gedit Text Editor and
  • Firefox web browser

However you may use any other browser and editor of your choice.

Slide: Prerequisites To follow this tutorial, you need to know
  • How to create a Django Model
  • If not, then please go through the pre-requisite tutorials in this series.
Slide: What is Django Admin App? The Django admin app is a feature that provides an interface to
  • Create
  • Read
  • Update
  • Delete model instances
Open a Terminal window

Press CTRl+ALT+T simultaneously

Let us open the terminal by pressing Ctrl, Alt and T keys simultaneously on your keyboard.

cd my-django [Enter]

Now using cd command, go to the folder my hyphen django which we had created earlier.

Type source myapp_env/bin/activate

and press Enter

Let us activate the virtual environment myapp underscore env

Type source <space> myapp underscore env slash bin slash activate

And press Enter.


cd mysite & Press Enter

Now let us go to the mysite folder by typing

cd <space> mysite and press Enter.

Here onwards, please remember to press the Enter key after typing each command.

Type ls blog [Enter]

Type ls <space> blog



In our previous tutorial, we have created the models within the blog app.

Now, we will use the Django admin site, so that we can manage our blog website.

[Terminal] For this, we need to have credentials to log in.

Django provides an easy way to generate a super-user account.


Type python manage.py createsuperuser and press Enter

Let’s create a superuser to login to the admin interface.

Type python <space> manage dot py <space> createsuperuser


Point to the Shell prompt

We will be prompted to fill in some details.

Fill the information as per your own preferences.


Username: root

Email address: stdjango@gmail.com

Password: Sample123

Password(again): Sample123

I will type the following details.

Username as root

Email address as stdjango@gmail.com

Password as Sample123

Enter the same password once again.



Superuser created successfully.

Now, the superuser has been created successfully.

Let’s log in and take a look at what exists on our admin site.


Type python manage.py runserver and press Enter

Let's run the Django development server.

Type python <space> manage dot py <space> runserver

Open a browser and type http://localhost:8000/admin Now, open a web browser and go to http://localhost:8000/admin</u>
On browser


Username as root

Password as Sample123

We can see a Django administration login page.

Enter the superuser credentials which we created just now.

I will enter the username as root and password as Sample123

On browser

Point to Groups and User app

Here we can see “Authentication and Authorization”, and its modules Groups and Users.

You may notice that our blog app is still not visible in the admin interface.

In order to see our blog app in our admin interface, we need to register our blog app.

We have do that in the admin file of the app.


Press Ctrl+C simultaneously

Switch back to the terminal.

Stop the server by pressing Ctrl and C keys simultaneously.


Type gedit blog/admin.py &

press Enter

Let us open the admin.py file with any text editor.

I will be using gedit text editor.

Type gedit <space> blog slash admin dot py <space> ampersand


from django.contrib import admin

# Register your models here.

We are now inside the admin.py file.

from django.contrib import admin

from blog.models import Blog, Article

Let us import our app models.

This enables the admin interface to pick the models.

And then show it to the user who logs in to the admin site.


# Register your models here.



Below the line Register your models here, type the code as shown here.




This is to make our models visible on the admin page.

We need to register the model with admin site dot register within parentheses modelname



from django.contrib import admin

# Register your models here.

Note that, it already imported django.contrib.admin

Highlight import admin

The admin class is the representation of a model in the admin interface.


from .models import Blog, Article

We are importing our models here.

admin.site.register (Blog)

admin.site.register (Article)

We have now registered the Blog and Article models.
Press Ctrl+S Save and close the file.
Switch to Terminal Switch back to the terminal.

Run the server

Type python manage.py runserver and press Enter

Let's now run the Django development server.

To do that, type python <space> manage dot py <space> runserver

Switch to browser & refresh the page

Point to Blogs and Articles

Then switch to the browser and refresh the page.

Now, we can see our blog app and its models in the admin page.

[On browser]

Highlight Click Add (besides Blogs)

Let us now add a blog.

Click on the Add link next to Blogs.

[On browser]

Add blog

Name: My First Blog

Let’s fill the form for a New Blog.

I will enter the Name as My First Blog.

[On browser]

(Pointing cursor on the web page)

Note that the created_on field is not shown here.

As per our model definition, it will be auto added by Django.

Click on Save button Click on the Save button to submit the form.
[On browser]


The blog “Blog Object(1) was added successfully”

We get a message that the Blog Object has been added successfully.
[On browser]

Click on Home

Let us go back to the admin’s home page.

To do that, go to the top left and click on the link Home.

[On browser]

Click on Add (besides Articles)

Let us now add an Article to our blog app.

Click on the Add link next to Articles.

[On browser]

Blog:Blog object1

Title:My Article

Body:Article object

Let’s fill the form for New Article.

I will fill the details as follows

For Blog, select Blog object1 from the drop down.

Then type the Title as My Article.

And Body as This is my first article.

Leave the Draft as unchecked for now.

Click on Save button Click on Save button to submit the form.
[On browser]


The article “Article Object was added successfully”

We see a message that the Article Object 1 was added successfully.
[On browser]

Click on Home

Let us go back to the admin’s home page.

Go to the top left and click on the link Home.

[On browser] You can click on the blog and article created, to view or edit or delete.
[On browser] At the top right corner, click on the LOG OUT link to logout from the admin’s interface.
Switch to Slide from browser We have successfully added database entries for our models.

Image of web application from the overview tutorial here

We have already discussed about web application and web framework in our earlier tutorial.

Let’s revisit the same.

In the image:

Hover from client to web app to and fro

Hover from web app to database to and fro

We see the following:* the user sends a request
  • and the web app process it and sends back a response.
  • the web app is connected to a database to store the data.

This exactly what we did while adding the blog and the article.

Slide: Web framework
  • Django is a web framework.
  • We also saw an easy interface to the database.
  • Django provided the request and response interface.
  • The other features of the web framework will be covered in the upcoming tutorials.

Press Ctrl+C keys

Let us now stop the server and deactivate the virtual environment.

Switch to the terminal.

Press Ctrl and C keys to stop the server.


Type deactivate [Enter]

Then type deactivate and press Enter.
With this, we come to the end of this tutorial

Let us summarize.

Slide: Summary In this tutorial, we have learnt to
  • Use the Django admin app
  • Create an admin user
  • Add, Modify and Delete data using the admin app
Slide: Assignment Here is an assignment for you.
  • log in to the admin site and
  • make the models created in the previous assignment editable in the admin site
Slide: About Spoken Tutorial project The video at the following link summarises the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

Slide: Spoken Tutorial workshops The Spoken Tutorial Project team conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

Slide: Forum for specific questions: Please post your timed queries in this Forum.
Slide: FOSSEE to answer questions Please post your general or technical questions in this Forum.
Slide: Acknowledgement Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.

More information on this mission is available at this link.

Slide: Thanks Slide This script has been contributed by Thiagarajar College of Engineering and the FOSSEE Project, IIT Bombay.

The video has been recorded by Praveen from Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay.

Thanks for watching.

Contributors and Content Editors

Nancyvarkey, Pravin1389