Difference between revisions of "Scilab/C2/Xcos-Introduction/English-timed"

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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 165: Line 165:
|'''Denominator''' value in '''laplace domain''' has to entered. We will change it to '''2 asteric s plus 1'''.Click on '''OK'''.  
|'''Denominator''' value in '''laplace domain''' has to entered. We will change it to '''2 asterisk s plus 1'''.Click on '''OK'''.  
Line 257: Line 257:
|In the '''CSCOPE block,''' the '''output window number
|In the '''CSCOPE block,''' the '''output window number''',
|position, size, buffer size , graph color''' etc can also be set.
|'''position, size, buffer size, graph color''' etc. can also be set.

Latest revision as of 12:00, 31 October 2017

Time Narration
00:01 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Xcos: Scilab Connected Object Simulator.
00:07 Xcos is a Scilab package for modeling and simulation of dynamical systems. It includes both continuous and discrete systems.
00:17 In this tutorial you will learn What is XCOS. What is palette, Build block diagrams in Xcos
00:26 Setup the parameters of blocks, Setup the simulation parameters, Simulate the constructed block diagram.
00:35 To practice this tutorial, Scilab should be installed on your system.
00:40 I am using Ubuntu Linux 12.04 and Scilab version 5.3.3 for demonstration.
00:48 Open the Scilab console window on your computer.
00:52 Go to applications and select XcosOR Type xcos in your Scilab console window and press Enter
01:02 By doing this, two windows will open. The two windows arePalette browser and Untitled-Xcos window
01:14 In Palette browser, you will find different types of blocks Commonly Used Blocks
01:20 Continuous time system blocks , Discrete time systems blocks and many more.
01:26 The other window, Untitled-Xcos is blank, with grids.
01:31 We will now simulate a first order system with a step input.
01:36 To begin, I will select a transfer function block from the Continuous time systems palette.
01:43 Drag this block to the Untitled-Xcos window.
01:48 Select the required source in the Sources palette. I will scroll down and use the STEP FUNCTION block.
01:56 I will drag and place it before the transfer function block.
02:01 Similarly, the output is displayed using the CSCOPE block, which is available in Sinks palette.
02:08 The CSCOPE block is placed after the transfer function block.
02:13 The red input port in CSCOPE denotes that this block is an “event driven” block.
02:19 It needs an event input for execution.
02:22 An event generator block is available in the Event handling palette.
02:29 The name of this block is Clock underscore c.
02:34 Drag and place this block above the CSCOPE block.
02:39 We have collected all the required blocks to do the simulation.
02:44 Let us now connect the blocks together.
02:47 Select the output port of step function block and connect it to the input port of the transfer function block.
02:55 Notice that the selected input port gets highlighted in green colour.
03:00 Similarly, connect the remaining blocks as shown.
03:05 Now we will set the parameters of each block.
03:10 First, go to the step block and double-click on it.
03:14 A pop up window appears, asking for the value of Step Time, Initial Value and Final Value.
03:23 Step Time is the time at which the step change will occur.We will keep it as 1, which is the default value.
03:32 Initial Value is the initial output value of the step function.
03:37 We will keep it as 0, which is the default value.
03:41 Final Value is the output of the step function, after the Step Time is lapsed.We will change it to 2.
03:50 Click on OK.
03:52 Follow the similar procedure to configure any other block.
03:56 For transfer function block, the following configuration is required. Numerator value in laplace domain has to be entered.
04:05 We will keep it as 1, which is the default value.
04:09 Denominator value in laplace domain has to entered. We will change it to 2 asterisk s plus 1.Click on OK.
04:20 Double click on CSCOPE block, to configure the following parameters.
04:25 The value of Ymin and Ymax should be set, depending on the range of the value, of the variable to be plotted.
04:34 Set the value of Ymin to 0.
04:38 Since I have given step input as 2, to display the output on graph, I should change the Ymax to any higher value.
04:46 We will change it to 3.
04:50 Make a mental note of the default value of the refresh period.The default value is 30.
04:57 We will keep the other parameters unchanged.Click on OK.
05:02 Now go to the Simulation in menu bar and click on Setup.
05:08 A pop up window appears.
05:11 We will change the value of Final integration time.Final integration time decides how long the simulation will run.
05:20 Recall the value of refresh period of the CSCOPE block.
05:24 I will keep the value of Final integration time equal to the value of refresh period of CSCOPE block
05:30 So, I will change it to 30.
05:34 Keep the other parameters unchanged. Click on OK.
05:39 Now press Control S to save the file, with a suitable file name.I will save it as firstorder.xcos
05:50 To start the simulation, click on the Start button, available on the menu bar of Xcos window.
05:58 A Graphic window will open, showing the step response of the first order transfer function.
06:04 We can save this plot as an image file.
06:06 To save the graph, go to the File menu and click on Export to option.
06:12 I will name it as firstorder.png and click on OK
06:20 There are certain parameters which we chose to keep as the default value. These can be changed.
06:26 For example In the Clock underscore c block, the period, which means the sampling period and initial time can be set.
06:36 In the CSCOPE block, the output window number,
06:40 position, size, buffer size, graph color etc. can also be set.
06:46 Pause the video here and solve the exercise given with the video.
06:52 Simulate a second order transfer function with damping ratio of 0.5 and angular frequency equal to 1.
07:01 Try changing the color of output graph.
07:04 Using the first exercise, plot the Step input and the output in a single plot window.
07:11 Now let us summarize.In this tutorial we have learnt to: Create Xcos simulation diagrams using the palette browser
07:18 Configure each block as per the simulation requirements
07:22 Setup the simulation parameters. Save the output plot.
07:26 Watch the video available at the following link It summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project. If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it
07:37 The Spoken Tutorial Project Team Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials Gives certificates for those who pass an online test
07:46 For more details, please write to contact at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org
07:52 Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project. It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India
08:02 More information on this Mission is available at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org slash NMEICT hyphen Intro
08:12 Hope you found this tutorial useful. This is Rupak Rokade from IIT Bombay signing off. Thank You.

Contributors and Content Editors

Pratik kamble, Sandhya.np14