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'''Pre -requisites'''
'''Pre -requisites'''
| style="border:1pt solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| To practise this tutorial you should have
| style="border:1pt solid #000000;padding:0.097cm;"| To practise this tutorial, you should have:
* Knowledge of Higher Secondary Commerce or
* Knowledge of Higher Secondary Commerce or

Latest revision as of 11:56, 14 July 2016

Title of the Script : Sales in FrontAccounting Author: Sheetal Prabhu Keywords: Sales, Sales Types, Sales Persons, Sales Areas, Customers, Sales Quotation Entry

Visual Cue
Slide Number 1

Title Slide

Hello everyone,

Welcome to this tutorial on Sales in FrontAccounting.

Slide Number 2a In this tutorial, we will learn to set up:
  • Sales Types
  • Sales Persons
  • Sales Areas
  • Add and manage Customers and Branches
Slide Number 2b We will also learn to make:
  • Sales Quotation Entry
  • Sales Order Entry
  • Make Delivery and
  • Sales Order Inquiry
Slide Number 3

System Requirements

To record this tutorial, I am using
  • Ubuntu Linux OS version 14.04
  • FrontAccounting version 2.3.25
Slide Number 4

Pre -requisites

To practise this tutorial, you should have:
  • Knowledge of Higher Secondary Commerce or
  • Knowledge of Accounting
Narration Before we start let us understand What is Sales?
Slide Number 5 (a) Sales
  • is an activity related to selling
  • or the amount of goods or services sold in a given time period.
Slide Number 5 (b) Let us see the need for Sales in books of accounts.

  • Every business sells products or services; so it has to record them in their book of accounts.
  • Selling an item, does not always happen when cash is received.
  • Payment is received in the future for a sale made on an account.
Narration Now, let us open the Frontaccounting interface.
Click on browser >>localhost/account >> Press Enter Click on the browser, type localhost/account

and press Enter.

Enter Username and Password >>

Click>>Login button>>

The login page appears.

Here, type the username as admin and the password.

Click on the Login button.


Point and click on the >> Sales Tab>>

Frontaccounting window opens.

Click on the Sales tab.

Randomly point to the various panels There are various panels here.
Highlight with a red colour box Transactions panel.

Point to the options under Transaction panel.

The Transactions panel is used for making transactions related to Sales.

To make a transaction we have to use the options:

  • Sales Quotation Entry and
  • Sales Order Entry.
Highlight with a red colour box Inquiries and Reports

Point to the options under Inquiries and Reports.

Inquiries and Reports panel is used for making reports and inquiries of the transactions.

For this, we have to use the following options:

  • Sales Quotation Inquiry and
  • Sales Order Inquiry
Highlight with a red colour box Maintenance Panel.
  • Sales Types
  • Sales Persons
  • Sales Areas
  • Add and Manage Customers
  • Customer Branches
Maintenance panel is used for setup of Sales and Customer details.

To do the setup, we have to use the following options:

  • Sales Types
  • Sales Persons
  • Sales Areas
  • Add and Manage Customers and
  • Customer Branches
Slide Number 6

Flowchart for Entry in Sales

Let us now see the flow for a Sales Entry.

This comprises of 3 steps.

  1. Setup Sales
  2. Setup Customers
  3. Sales Entry

Setup-Sales-Part I


In Setup Sales, we need to set the following options under the Maintenance panel:
  • Sales Types
  • Sales Persons
  • Sales Areas

So, let us learn how to do so..

Return back to the Frontaccounting interface. Switch back to the Frontaccounting interface.
Point >> Sales Types option The Sales Types option allows us to define the pricing level for the specific customers.

Let us go to this option.

Point to the details to fill


Here we need to fill in the details, as prompted.

Let’s begin.

Type a new Sales Type name field, as Wholesale>> We need to add a Sales Type first.

So, I will type “wholesale” as the name for the new Sales Type.

Click >> Calculation factor>>


In the Calculation factor field, type the Calculation factor to adjust base pricing of our choice.

I will keep it, as it is.

Point to Tax included Next, if tax has to be added, we can check the box named Tax included.
Uncheck Tax included I will keep the box unchecked, as I don’t wish to include the tax for the Sales Type.
Click >> Add new button Then click on the Add new button.
Point to the message>>New Sales type has been added>> We can see the confirmation message, which indicates that the details have been saved.
Click to the Back option <<PAUSE>>

Click on the Back option to return back to the Frontaccounting interface.


Click >> Sales Persons

Now, let us learn how to add a new Sales Person.

Go to the Sales Persons option.

Fill the details for:
  • Salesperson name,
  • Telephone number,
  • Fax number and
  • E-mail Id
Here, we are prompted to fill in all the necessary information pertaining to the Sales Persons.
Pause the tutorial,
  • Salesperson name
  • Telephone number
  • Fax number and
  • E-mail Id

fill in all the details in the corresponding field.

Resume the tutorial

Narration I have filled these details here for-
  • Salesperson name
  • Telephone number
  • Fax number and
  • E-mail Id

Pls fill the details likewise.

Point to the Provision field


The Provision field is used by a Sales Person who gets a commission or provision on what they sell.
Type>> 5 % So, I will type 5% as the commission in the Provision field.
Narration Next is Break point.

It is used for a Sales Person who gets the provision only if the amount exceeds the break point.

In the Break Pt. type 5000


So, in the Break point field, I will type 5000.00.

This means,

  • whenever the Sales Person sells above the break point, which is 5000,
  • he will get a commision of 5%.
Point to Provision 2 field


Provision 2 field is used if the Sales Person sells below the break point.

I will type 3. which means if the Sales Person sells below 5000, he will get a commision of 3%.

Click>> Add new button>>

Point to the New Sales person data have been added bar

Save these changes, click on Add new button.

We can see the confirmation message, for the saved entry at the top.

Click to the Back option <<PAUSE>>

Scroll down and click on the Back option, to return back to the Frontaccounting interface.

Narration Now, we will learn how to create a new Sales Area.
Point to the Sales Area option

Click on the Sales Areas

Based on the Sales Area, we will be able to create Sales Orders and make Dispatches.

Click on the Sales Areas option.

Show>> Area Name>> Type the new Area Name which we want to create.

I will type Retailer.

Click >>Add new button>>

Point to a message as

New Sales area has been added>>

Now, save these changes by clicking Add new button.

The confirmation message shows that we have successfully saved this information.

Show the bar showing the entries in the table. We can also see the table with the updated entry.
Click to the Back option <<PAUSE>>

Click on the Back option, to return back to the Frontaccounting interface.

Show the flowchart Step-II

Add and Manage Customers

Before we quote a Sales Order, we have to set-up each of the following:
  • Add and Manage Customers
  • Customer Branches
  • Customer is an individual or business that purchases goods and services produced by a business.
  • We need to add customers to sell our products.
Narration So, let us now learn how to create a new Customer.
Return back to the Frontaccounting interface. Switch back to the Frontaccounting interface.
Click the options available under Maintenance bar. At the left bottom of the Maintenance panel, click on Add and Manage Customers.
Click>> Dropdown box>>

Point the drop down box options

Show the default options in the dropdown box

Click on the dropdown box.

The listed option may vary depending on the Frontaccounting version.

You may see the default customers of the company in your list.

Narration In my list, there are customers-Abhi -Rs, Balaji and Hari.

I have created these customers before recording this tutorial.

Narration Since a Company has to deal with many Customers, let us add a New Customer.
Highlight with a red box
  • Customer Name
  • Customer Short Name
  • Address
Fill in all the necessary details of the Customer.
Pause the tutorial

Fill the following-

  • Customer Name
  • Customer Short Name
  • Address

Resume again after filling

Show the information which are filled.
  • Customer Name
  • Customer Short Name
  • Address
I have filled these details here for my customer, as you can see.
Pls fill the details likewise.
Click>> Customer’s Currency>> dropdown box. In the Customer’s Currency drop down box, I will select Rupee.
Click>> Sales Type/Price List field>>


In the Sales Type/Price List dropdown box, I will select the option wholesale.

Recall that we have created this Sales Type earlier.

Highlight with a red box
  • Phone number,
  • Secondary phone number if any,
  • Fax number and
  • E-mail Id of the customer.
Scroll down.

Again we are prompted to fill in the following details of the customer.

Pause the tutorial

Fill the following details:

  • Phone number,
  • Secondary phone number if any,
  • Fax number and
  • E-mail Id of the customer.

Resume again after filling

Highlight with a red box
  • Phone number,
  • Secondary phone number if any,
  • Fax number and
  • E-mail Id of the customer.
I have filled these contact details for my customer.

Make sure that you give the correct Email-Id here when you fill out these details.

Point to Sales bar on the right side>>


Scroll up.

We can see the Sales column on the right hand side.

Fill out the Discount, Credit, and other conditions applicable for that Customer.

Point>> details which are already filled>> I will keep the default settings, as it is.
Click>> Add New Customer >> Scroll down.

Then click on the Add New Customer button to save these changes.

Highlight with a red box

“A new Customer has been added.”

The confirmation message shows we have saved the details for our new Customer.
Highlight with a red box

A default Branch has been automatically created, please check default Branch values by using link below.

We can also see another message which shows that the default Branch is also added.

Click>> Update Customer >>

First, we need to apply these changes for the new Sales Entry.

Scroll down and click on the Update Customer button.

Point to the message bar

Customer has been updated.

The success message indicates that we have updated the customer.
Click >> Back option>> Again, scroll down to click on the Back option, to return back to the Frontaccounting interface.
Narration Now, let us see whether the default Branch is added or not.
Point to Customer Branches Click on the Customer Branches option.
Point to the table showing new Customer Branch We can see that a default Branch has been added to the Customer.
Click on the Edit icon

Click>> Update button>>

By clicking on the Edit icon, we can make changes in the given entry.

Scroll down, click on the Update button to save this change.

Point to the message

Selected customer branch has been updated.

The Branch gets updated and the success message appears at the top.
Click>> Back option>> Scroll down to click on the Back option, to return back to the FrontAccounting interface.
Show the Flowchart Step-III


Now, all the required setup has been done.

And we are ready to make a Sales Quotation Entry.

Return back to the Frontaccounting interface. Switch back to the Frontaccounting interface.
Click>> Sales Quotation Entry option>> Click on the Sales Quotation Entry.
Point >> Customer text box>>


You can see the drop down box with the Customer name and other related information.

This is because we had already updated the details in Add and Manage Customers.

Narration So, let us make a Sales Quotation Entry
Click >> Item Description dropdown menu>>

Point to the Item Code 45

In the Item Description dropdown menu, select Item as Cement.

Recall, that we have created the Item code as 45 for Cement in an earlier tutorial.

Click>> Quantity field>> 150 In the Quantity field, I will type 150 as the quantity.
Highlight Price before tax It is possible that you have a slightly different text here

instead of Price before tax.

Highlight with red box Depending on the variation in the Frontaccounting version, you may see some difference in the calculation also.
Click>>Price before Tax>> 1500 So, here in the Price before Tax field, I will type the Price as 1500.
Click>> Discount field>> 0.10% If you want to give discount to the customer, type the percentage in the Discount field.

I will give discount of 0.10 % to my customer.

Click>> Add item button>> Now, to save the entry, click on Add Item button.
Point to the Tax 5%field>> Here you can see the Amount Total against the Sales Order is included with the tax of 5%.
Point to Shipping Charge Note here that -

Shipping Charge field is to add charges against shipment to the customer.

Click on the >> Shipping Charge field>> 10000 So, in the Shipping Charge field, I will type Rs. 10000.
Click on the Update button. Click on Update button.
Point >> Sub-Total and Amount Total Balance >> We can see the Sub-total and the Amount Total.

The balance has been increased by Rs 10,000 and the total amount now is 2,46,013.75

(Two Lakhs Forty Six Thousand Thirteen point seventy five)

Click Place Order button

Point to the message bar “Order# 1 has been entered.”

Scroll down.

Save these changes.

Click on the Place Quotation button.

The success message shows that the quotation has been placed.


Point to the Sales Order Entry.

Now, we need to place an order against this quotation.

So, the next step is to make a Sales Order Entry.

Narration Switch back to the Frontaccounting interface.
Click on the option Make a Sales Order Against This Quotation. Click on the option Make Sales Order Against This Quotation.
New window opens for Sales Order Entry A window opens for Sales Order Entry.

The item description details can be seen here.

Click on the Place Order button.

Point to a message as

Order#1 has been entered>>

Scroll down, click on the Place Order button.

The confirmation message says that we have successfully saved this information.

Highlight the options with red box >>
  • View This Order
  • Print This Order
  • Email This Order
  • Make Delivery Against This Order
  • Work Order Entry
  • Enter a New Order
  • Back
We can also see the various options.

Point to the Make Delivery option

The next step is to Make a delivery.
Narration Again, switch back to the Frontaccounting interface.
Click on Make Delivery Against This Order So, click on the option Make Delivery Against This Order.
New window opens for Sales Delivery Items>> A window named Deliver Items for a Sales Order opens.

It shows us the details of the items to be delivered.

Click on the Process Dispatch button.

Point to a message as

Delivery#1 has been entered>>

Scroll down, click on the Process Dispatch button.

The confirmation message shows that we have successfully made the entry for the delivery.

Highlight the options with red box >>
  • View This Delivery
  • Print Delivery Note
  • Email Delivery Note
  • Print as Packing Slip
  • Email as Packing Slip
  • View the GL Journal Entries for this Dispatch
  • Invoice This Delivery
  • Select Another Order For Dispatch
  • Back
We can now see the options:
Narration This is the step-by-step procedure to make a Sales Entry.
Narration Now, let us check the status of the Sales Entry which is made.
Click on the >>Sales Tab>> Click on the Sales Tab.
Click on Sales Order Inquiry panel under the Inquiries and Reports option.


Under Inquiries and Reports panel, we see Sales Order Inquiry option.

This option is to make an inquiry against the Sales Order entry being made. Click on it.

Point to the table of the Sales order Entry We can see the details of this entry in the table given here.
Narration Let us summarize.
Slide Number 2a

Learning Objectives

In this tutorial, we have learnt to set-up:
  • Sales Types
  • Sales Persons
  • Sales Areas
  • Add and manage Customers and Branches
Slide Number 2b

Learning Objectives

We have also learnt to make:
  • Sales Quotation Entry
  • Sales Order Entry
  • Make Delivery
  • Sales Order Inquiry
Slide 6


As an Assignment
  • Add a new Customer for Sales, using Add and Manage Customer option.
  • Create a new Sales Quotation Entry.
Slide Number 7



This video summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

Slide Number 8 We conduct workshops using Spoken Tutorials and give Certificates.

For more information, please contact us.

Slide Number 9 The Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD Government of India.

This tutorial has been contributed by Sheetal Prabhu from IIT Bombay.

Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Nancyvarkey, Sandhya.np14, Sheetal