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Visual Cue

Cover Slide

Welcome friends to the Spoken Tutorial on “How to generate Biogas”.

Hello friends and welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on “How to generate Biogas”.


  • When to add raw material to the Biogas plant.
  • Quantity of raw material to be added to the biogas plant.
  • Use of slurry that is generated from the biogas plant.
  • Biogas burner and it's connection process.
In this tutorial we will learn:
  • When to add raw material to the Biogas plant.
  • Quantity of raw material to be added to the biogas plant.
  • Use of slurry that is generated from the biogas plant.
  • Biogas burner and it's connection process.
You will also see testimonials of Biogas users.

Image-Caption: Building a Biogas Plant

In the earlier tutorial, we learnt how to build a biogas plant.

Image-Caption: Household food waste


Image-Caption: Cow Dung

Recollect, an earlier tutorial that mentioned the raw materials to be added to the biogas plant are:
  • Household food waste and
  • Cowdung

Cowdung forms a favourable anaerobic environment for generation of biogas.


When should the raw material be added in the Biogas plant ?

So, when should the raw materials be added in the Biogas plant?

Image-Caption: Add raw-material to Biogas Plant on 18th day.

Once the civil work is over, the plant is left for curing for 17 days.

On the 18th day, first load of raw materials can be fed into the plant.


Image-Caption: Feeding the waste material to Biogas plant through inlet pipe

As shown in this figure, raw material should be fed into the mixing tank through the inlet pipe.
Slide 4

How much of the raw materials should be added to the biogas plant?

At this point, the important question is-

How much raw material should be added to the biogas plant?

Add approximately 600 kgs of cow-dung

And leave it for fermentation for 4 days

Next, add at least 25 Kilograms of raw materials daily to the plant

Along with this, add equal proportion of water

Which means a ratio of 1:1 has to be maintained

For example, for 25 Kgs of raw material, 25 litres of water should be added.

The answer is for the first time production of biogas, add approximately 600 kgs of cow-dung.

And leave it for fermentation for 4 days

After 4 days, add at least 25 Kilograms of raw materials daily to the plant

Along with this, add equal proportion of water

Which means a ratio of 1:1 has to be maintained

For example, for 25 Kgs of raw material, 25 litres of water should be added

Slide 5

How to add the raw material into the inlet tank?

Next we will learn how to add the raw material into the inlet tank.

Image-Caption: Mixing of raw materials and water in the inlet tank.

To add the raw material into the inlet tank
  • first, mix the raw material and water properly in the ratio of 1:1
  • and then put this mixture into the feeding tank which is connected to the digester.

Image-Caption: Plant left with mixture for fermentation

Once the digester is completely filled with the mixture, leave the plant for fermentation.
[[Image:]] Note that, the time required for fermentation depends upon-
  • The climatic conditions of the respective region where the Biogas plant is set up.

For eg. fermentation in warmer regions will be quicker as compared to the cooler regions.


Image-Caption: Leave raw material for 4-5 days in the digester tank for fermentation.

So, in warmer regions, leave the raw material in the digester tank for 4-5 days.
[[Image:]] Once the fermentation is completed, two things happen simultaneously-
  1. Gas being lighter starts accumulating in the upper part of the dome.
  1. and pressure generated by the gas pushes the slurry outside.
Slide 6

What are the different ways to use slurry?


The different ways to use this slurry are as follows:

Image-Caption: Slurry being manually poured in the fields as manure.

* It can be directly sent into the farms through drains
  • It can be manually poured into the nearby fields or
  • Can also be dried in drying pits to be used as dry manure.
Slide 7

Choosing the right burner for using the Biogas.

Next, we will talk about choosing the right burner for using the Biogas.

Image-Caption: Biogas Burner connected to Biogas Plant via Gas Conveyor Pipe

The gas that is generated in the plant is conveyed through the main gas pipe.

This main gas pipe should further be connected to an appropriate burner.


Image Caption: Confused People

[@animator: Show question marks in the image.]

So which burner should be used?
Slide 8

Two types of burners available are:

  • Biogas burner
  • LPG burner
The two types of burners available are-
  • Biogas burner
  • LPG burner

Image-Caption: No LPG Burners

Please note, an LPG burner should not be used for Biogas.

Why LPG burner should not be used for Biogas?

The reason is-

LPG burners are specifically used for high compression LPG only.

Hence, LPG burners are not advisable for biogas usage.

Why LPG burner should not be used for Biogas?

The reason is-

LPG burners are specifically used for high compression LPG only.

Hence, LPG burners are not advisable for biogas usage.


Image Caption: Cast Iron Burner

For using Biogas, it is best to buy a burner made of Cast-Iron due to durability.
Slide 9

Two types of Biogas burner models are:

  • Single burner model
  • Double burner model
It is to be noted that like LPG stoves, Biogas stoves are also available in single and double burner models.

Image Caption: Typical Biogas Burner (Single Burner Model)

Single burner stove is of 8 cubic feet size

Image Caption: Typical Biogas Burner (Double Burner Model)

Double burner stove is of 16 cubic feet size
Slide 10

Where to procure biogas burners from?

So, where to procure biogas burners from?

Image-Caption: KVIC, Govt. of India

To buy the biogas burner, one needs to contact-

The concerned State Office of Khadi & Village Industries Commission also know as KVIC.

You can get the further contact details in the downloadable section.


Slide 11

How to confirm if Biogas has been generated?

To confirm the generation of Biogas do the following.

Image-Caption: Lighting matchstick to check if biogas is generated.

Light the burner and check the flame for Biogas.

Image-Caption: Family using Biogas for cooking

The gas generated will be sufficient for the cooking needs of a family of 4-5 members.
Slide 12

Do’s and Don’ts for running a Biogas plant

Some Do’s and Don’ts for running a Biogas plant are-

Image-Caption: Slurry Tank kept open


Image-Caption: Covered Slurry Tank

On a daily basis:
  • Check flow of the waste from the Mixing tank into the Digester tank.
  • Check that the slurry is flowing out of the slurry tank
  • Do not keep the Mixing tank and Slurry tank uncovered.
  • Both tanks should be kept covered to avoid accidents.
Slide 13

Safety measures to be followed when using the biogas burner

Some safety measures to be followed when using the biogas burner.

Image-Caption: Switch OFF the safety valve when the burner is not in use.


Image-Caption: Removing condensed water.

* After every 4-5 days, drain out condensed water if any
  • In case, gas is not going to be used for a long time, switch OFF the safety valve.
  • This will ensure that the gas makes it’s way out from the outlet tank along with the slurry.
Slide 14

Now you will see Testimonials of some happy users.

These will mention about

  • how convenient it is to use Biogas for cooking
  • time-savings
  • money-savings
  • health and hygiene improvement
Now you will see Testimonial of some happy users. They will mention about
  • How convenient it is to use Biogas for cooking which saves time, money and helps in

health and hygiene

Testimonials * Hello, my name is Suresh Sahadev Manjrekar and this is my wife Supriya Suresh Manjrekar
  • We are a family of five people and we have 2 cows
  • Every day I put 25kgs of cowdung mixed in equal quantity of water into these mixing tank of the biogas plant.
  • I have also connected the toilet to the biogas plant. You can see the toilet just behind me
  • Using biogas is very easy. It saves time and money
  • Earlier I used to walk 25 minutes to collect firewood, now I don’t go anywhere to collect firewood
  • Also, the slurry that comes out of the plant is collected in a pit which is 2 and a half feet deep
  • The slurry is then directed in a drain towards the fields
  • I am very happy using biogas


The concepts learnt in this tutorial-

We have learnt:

  • When to add raw material to the Biogas plant.
  • Quantity of raw material to be added to the biogas plant.
  • Use of slurry that is generated from the biogas plant.
  • Biogas burner and it's connection process.

Testimonials from Biogas users


In this tutorial We have learnt:

  • When to add raw material to the Biogas plant.
  • Quantity of raw material to be added to the biogas plant.
  • Different ways to use the slurry
  • Different types of Biogas stoves

Testimonials from Biogas users


Acknowledgement Slide

This video was created by:

Spoken Tutorial project with inputs from Rural-ICT team IIT Bombay

This video was created by Spoken Tutorial Project with inputs from Rural-ICT team, IIT Bombay.


More information on these projects can be found at these links



More information on these projects can be found at these links.



Pictures and technology support:


Bhagirath Rural Development Foundation

Village- Zarap, Taluka- Kudal,

Dist.- Sindhudurg

This is Bella Tony along with the

animation team of the Spoken

Tutorial project signing off.

Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Bellatony911, Nancyvarkey