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Common Mistakes when installing Joomla and Uninstalling Joomla

Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on

Common Mistakes while Installing Joomla and Uninstalling Joomla

on a local server.

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Learning Objectives

  • Common Mistakes when installing Joomla
  • Solutions to common mistakes
  • Uninstall Joomla
In this tutorial, we will learn about:
  • Common mistakes when installing Joomla
  • Solutions to those mistakes and
  • How to uninstall Joomla
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Versions and OS

For this tutorial, we will be using:
  • Ubuntu Linux 14.04
  • Joomla 3.4.1
  • Apache, MySQL and PHP obtained through XAMPP 5.5.19
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To follow this tutorial, you need to have:
  • XAMPP and Joomla installed on your system.

You also need to have knowledge of the Joomla installation process.

If not, check the relevant tutorial in the Joomla series, on the spoken tutorial website.

First of all, let me start XAMPP on my machine.
Open terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T

Let's open the terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T keys.

Alternately, click on the “Terminal” icon in the launcher bar.


sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start

Start XAMPP by typing

sudo space slash opt slash lampp slash lampp space start and press Enter.

It will prompt for administrative password.
Enter administrator password >> Press Enter Let me enter my administrative password and press Enter.
Now we have XAMPP running.
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Joomla is extracted in a different directory

The first mistake one can make is to extract Joomla in a different directory.
Switch to browser

Type http://localhost

Go the the browser and open the XAMPP page by typing

http colon double slash localhost and press Enter

In the left menu >> click on phpinfo() In the menu on the left of the screen, click on phpinfo().
Type Ctrl+F and type DOCUMENT_ROOT in the search window >> Press Enter Now press Ctrl +F keys and search for

DOCUMENT underscore ROOT.

It will be found in the table Apache Environment.

Value of DOCUMENT underscore ROOT will be either

*slash opt slash lampp slash htdocs or

*slash var slash www

Point or highlight /opt/lampp/htdocs. In my machine, it is slash opt slash lampp slash htdocs.
Highlight DOCUMENT_ROOT Please note that Joomla needs to be extracted in the apache DOCUMENT underscore ROOT directory.

If this is not the case, the installation setting page would not show up at all.

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Output buffering to be turned off.

Second common mistake that one can make is to have the output buffering ON.
Switch to the browser:

On the browser, show the page for 2nd step (pre-installation check) Highlight output buffering

In the 3rd step of the installation setup, output buffering should be marked as OFF.

This is a recommended setting and not a required setting.

Usually, by default, it is turned OFF.

If output_buffering is ON, installation might proceed successfully.

However, the website might be extremely slow later.

In some cases, installation might hang up at this step.

In case it is ON, we can turn it OFF by editing php.ini in the apache installation.
(Switch to terminal)

Type locate php.ini

We will go to the terminal window and locate php.ini first by typing

locate space php dot ini and press Enter.

Highlight the php.ini inside /opt/lampp/etc

We may get a number of results for this query.

There will be one result in which php.ini will be inside the etc directory.

This directory is inside the lampp directory inside the opt directory.

This is the one we need to edit.

In my machine, the path to that file is slash opt slash lampp slash etc slash php.ini

Type sudo gedit /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini We open the file in Gedit text editor by typing

sudo space gedit space slash opt slash lampp slash etc slash php dot ini

If prompted, enter your admin password.

You will have to do so whenever prompted, as we proceed.

Gedit is the default text editor preloaded in Ubuntu Linux.

Alternately, you can use any text editor of your choice.

Press Ctrl + F.

Type output_buffering

When the file is open, search for output underscore buffering.
Highlight down arrow on the search box in gedit editor to go to the next result. The first search result we get is commented. So we check for the next result.

Here we find the text we are looking for.


output buffering: 4096


output buffering: off


output_buffering = 4096 to output_buffering = off

Type Ctrl + S

Click on the File menu on top left. Click Quit

We save the file by pressing Control + S keys.

We can then exit the Gedit editor.

We need to restart XAMPP for the change to get reflected.
Switch to the terminal.

Type sudo /opt/lampp/lampp restart

Switch to the terminal and type

sudo space slash opt slash lampp slash lampp space restart

Press Enter.

So, we can proceed to the next step.
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Configuration file not writable:

The third mistake you can make is to have no write permission for the configuration file.
(Shift to Browser)

Highlight the error message on the final step of the installation page.

In the last step of installation, you might get an error that says

Your configuration file or directory is not writable or there was a problem creating the configuration file”.

This occurs when we forget to give write permission to the Joomla folder.

Copy text from the textbox >> Ctrl + C If this error occurs, you will get some text inside a text box.

We will copy this text using Control + C keys.

In this case, we can create a new configuration.php file and paste the text into it.
Type sudo touch /'opt/lampp/htdocs/joomla/configuration.php We will use the touch command to create the configuration.php inside our joomla folder.

At the command prompt type

sudo space touch space slash opt slash lampp slash htdocs slash joomla slash configuration dot php

Press Enter.

Type sudo gedit /opt/lampp/htdocs/joomla/configuration.php Then type

sudo space gedit space slash opt slash lampp slash htdocs slash joomla slash configuration dot php.

Press Enter.

This will open the file in Gedit text editor.

Paste >> Ctrl+V Paste the copied text inside this file.
Check the file to make sure
  • left bracket question mark php is present as the first line of the file
  • and the content is exactly the same
Type Ctrl + S Save the configuration.php by pressing Control + S keys.
Click on File menu on top left, and click on Quit. We can then exit the Gedit editor.

Now we have the configuration.php for our Joomla installation.

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Installation folder not deleted.

Now, we will see the fourth mistake that one can make during the Joomla installation.

This is to not delete the installation folder in the Finish step.

Switch to the browser

Highlight the Remove Installation Folder button

I cannot emphasize the importance of this step enough.

This is one of the most common mistakes.

So, make sure the folder is deleted.

If you get an error in this step, you must remove the folder manually.

I got an error because I am not logged-in as linux superuser and don't have delete permission

Switch to terminal. So, now let us switch to the terminal.

We will delete the Joomla installation folder manually, from the joomla folder.

This is mandatory.

Type cd joomla

Type sudo rm -rf installation/

So, type

cd slash opt slash lampp slash htdocs slash joomla

Press Enter

Then type sudo space rm space minus rf space installation forward slash

Press Enter

Switch to the browser

Type http://localhost/joomla

We have now successfully installed Joomla.

We can check this by going to the browser and typing http colon double slash localhost slash joomla

We can see our webpage.

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(Uninstalling Joomla)

We will now talk about uninstalling Joomla.
Switch to terminal

Type sudo rm -rf /opt/lampp/htdocs/joomla/

We need to first delete the folder into which we extracted Joomla.

So, I will switch to the terminal and type

sudo space rm space minus rf space forward slash opt slash lampp slash htdocs slash joomla slash

Press Enter.

Type cd /opt/lampp/htdocs/joomla

Highlight the result destination directory does not exist

Now type

cd forward slash opt slash lampp slash htdocs slash joomla slash

This is to check if the folder is deleted.

As you can see, the directory does not exist.

Switch to browser

Go to http://localhost/phpmyadmin

We will then delete the database and the users.

This step will uninstall Joomla completely.

On the browser type I will first go to the browser and type

http colon double slash localhost slash phpmyadmin

Click on Users tab

Select user Joomla-1

I will click on the Users tab and select the user Joomla-1
Select Drop the databases that have same names as the users Below, there is an option

Drop the databases that have same names as the users.

Click on it.

Click OK in confirmation prompt This will give you a prompt

You are about to DESTROY a complete database! Do you really want to execute DROP DATABASE?

Click on OK.

Click on GO in the bottom right Now click on GO button at the bottom right.
We have now successfully uninstalled Joomla from our localhost.
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Let us summarize.

In this tutorial, we learnt about:

  • Common Mistakes and their solutions when installing Joomla
  • and to uninstall Joomla
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Let's come to the assignment now.
  • Install Joomla.
  • Uninstall Joomla
  • Check if Joomla is indeed uninstalled and
  • Install Joomla once again
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(About Spoken Tutorial Project)

The video at this link, summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.

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(About Spoken Tutorial Project)

The Spoken Tutorial Project Team
  • conducts workshops using spoken tutorials and
  • gives certificates on passing online tests.

For more details, please write to us.

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Spoken Tutorial Project is supported by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.
This is Priyanka signing off. Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Itspriyanka, Nancyvarkey