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Title of script: Solving System of Linear Equations using Iterative Methods

Author: Shamika

Keywords: System of linear equations, Iterative Methods

Visual Cue
Slide 1 Dear Friends,

Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on “Solving System of Linear Equations using Iterative Methods

Slide 2 -Learning Objective Slide At the end of this tutorial, you will learn how to:
  • Solve system of linear equations using iterative methods
  • Develop Scilab code to solve linear equations

Slide 3-System Requirement slide To record this tutorial, I am using Ubuntu 12.04 as the operating system with Scilab 5.3.3 version
Slide 4- Prerequisites slide Before practising this tutorial, a learner should have basic knowledge of Scilab and Solving Linear Equations

For Scilab, please refer to the relevant tutorials available on the Spoken Tutorial website.

Slide 5- Jacobi Method * The first iterative method we will be studying is Jacobi method.
  • Given a system of linear equations, with n equations and n unknowns
  • We rewrite the equations such that x of i k plus one is equal to b i minus summation of a i j x j k from j equal to one to n divided by a i i where i is from one to n
  • We assume values for each x of i
  • Then we substitute the values in the equations obtained in the previous step.
  • We continue the iteration until the solution converges.

Slide 6- Example * Let us solve this example using Jacobi Method

Switch to Scilab and open JacobiIteration_final.sci * Let us look at the code for Jacobi Method.



* We use format method to specify the format of the displayed answers on the Scilab console.
  • Here e denotes the answer should be in scientific notation and twenty specifies the number of digits to be displayed.


A=input("Enter the coeffiecient matrix of nxn: ")

b=input("Enter the right-hand side matrix nx1: ")

x0=input("Initial approximation nx1: ")

MaxIter=input("Maximum no. of iterations: ")

tol=input("Enter the convergence tolerance :")//stop if norm change in x < tol

* Then we use input function to get the values for the matrices coefficient matrix, right hand side matrix, initial values matrix, maximum number of iteration and convergence tolerance


[m, n] = size( A )

* Then we use size function to check if A matrix is a square matrix.
  • If it isn't, we use error function to display an error


for i=1:1:m


for j=1:1:m



if 2*abs(A(i,i))<sum then

error("the matrix is not diagonally dominant")



* We then check if matrix A is diagonally dominant.
  • The first half calculates the sum of each row of the matrix.
  • Then it checks if the twice the product of the diagonal element is greater than the sum of the elements of that row.
  • If it isn't, an error is displayed using error function.


function [ solution ] = JacobiIteration( A, b, x0, MaxIter, tol )

* Then we define the function Jacobi Iteration with input arguments A, b , x zero, maximum iteration and tolerance level.
  • Here x zero is the initial values matrix.


if ( length(x0) ~= n )

error( "Sizes of input matrix and input vector do not match" )


* We check if the size of A matrix and initial values matrix are compatible with each other.


xk = x0

for k = 1 : 1 : MaxIter

for i = 1 : n

xkp1( i ) = (b(i) - A(i, 1:i-1)*xk(1:i-1) - A(i, i+1:n)*xk(i+1:n)) / A(i,i) //Computes the jacobian updates


RelativeError = norm( xkp1 - xk, 'inf' ) / norm( xkp1, 'inf' )

printf( "iter = %d, Relative Error = %g\n", k, RelativeError )

xk = xkp1

if ( RelativeError < tol )




solution = xkp1


* We calculate the value for x k p one and then check if the relative error is lesser than tolerance level.
  • If it is lesser than tolerance level, we break the iteration and the solution is returned.
  • Finally we end the function

Click on Execute and select Save and Execute * Let us save and execute the function

Switch to Scilab console * Switch to Scilab console

Enter these values on Scilab console for each prompt

Enter the coeffiecient matrix of nxn: [2 1;5 7]

* Let us enter the values at each prompt.
  • The coefficient matrix A is
  • open square bracket two space one
  • semi colon
  • five space seven close square bracket
  • Press enter


Enter the right-hand side matrix nx1: [11; 13]

* Then we type
  • open square bracket eleven
  • semicolon
  • thirteen
  • press enter


Initial approximation nx1: [1;1]

* The initial values matrix is
  • open square bracket one
  • semi colon
  • one close square bracket
  • press enter


Maximum no. of iterations: 25

* The maximum number of iterations is twenty five
  • press enter


Enter the convergence tolerance :0.00001

* Let the convergence tolerance level be zero point zero zero zero zero one
  • press enter


JacobiIteration( A, b, x0, MaxIter, tol )

* We call the function by typing Jacobi Iteration open paranthesis A comma b comma x zero comma M a x I t e r comma t o l close paranthesis
  • Press Enter
  • The values for x one and x two are shown on the console.

Slide 7- Gauss Seidel Method * Let us now study Gauss Seidel method.
  • Given a system of linear equations, with n equations and n unknows
  • We rewrite the equations for each unknown, by subtracting the other variables and their coefficients from the corresponding right hand side element.
  • Then we divide this by the coefficient a i i of the unknown variable for that variable.
  • This is done for every given equation.

Slide 8- Gauss Seidel * In Jacobi method, for the computation of x of i k plus one, every element of x of i k is used except x of i k plus one
  • In Gauss Seidel method, we over write the value of x of i k with x of i k plus one

Slide 9- Example * Let us solve this example using Gauss Seidel Method

Switch to Scilab editor and open GaussSeidel.sci

* Let us look at the code for Gauss Seidel Method



* The first line specifies the format of the displayed answer on the console using format function.


A=input("Enter the coeffiecient matrix of nxn: ")

b=input("Enter the right-hand side matrix nx1: ")

x0=input("Initial approximation nx1: ")

MaxIter=input("Maximum no. of iterations: ")

tol=input("Enter the convergence tolerance :")//stop if norm change in x < tol

* Then we use input function to get the values of coefficient matrix, right hand side matrix, initial values of the variables matrix, maximum number of iteration and tolerance level


function [ solution ] = GaussSeidel( A, b, x0, MaxIter, tol )

* Then we define the function Gauss Seidel with input arguments A comma b comma x zero comma Max Iterations and tolerance level and output argument solution


// Check that the matrix is square

[m, n] = size( A )

if ( m ~= n )

error( "The input matrix is not square" )


// Check that the initial vector is of the same size

if ( length(x0) ~= n )

error( "Sizes of input matrix and input vector do not match" )


* We check if matrix A is square and the sizes of initial vector and matrix A are compatible using size and length function.


xk = x0

xkp1 = zeros( xk )

* Then we start the iterations. We equate the initial values vector x zero to x k.
  • We create a matrix of zeros with the same size of x k and call it x k p one.


for k = 1 : 1 : MaxIter

// Computes the Gauss-Seidel update

for i = 1 : n

xkp1( i ) = (b(i) - A(i, 1:i-1)*xkp1(1:i-1) - A(i,i+1:n)*xk(i+1:n)) / A(i,i)

// x^{k+1}


// Applies the relaxation

RelativeError = norm( xkp1 - xk, 'inf' ) / norm( xkp1, 'inf' )

printf( "iter = %d, Relative Error = %g\n", k, RelativeError )

xk = xkp1

if ( RelativeError < tol )




solution = xkp1


* We solve for each equation to get the value of the unknown variable for that equation using x k p one.
  • At each iteration, the value of x k p one gets updated.
  • Also, we check if relative error is lesser than specified tolerance level.
  • If it is, we break the iteration.
  • Then equate x k p one to the variable solution.
  • Finally, we end the function

Click on Execute and select Save and Execute * Let us save and execute the function

Switch to Scilab console * Switch to Scilab console

Type the following on Scilab console:

For first prompt

[2 1;5 7]

* For the first prompt we type matrix A.
  • Type
  • open square bracket two space one
  • semi colon
  • five space seven close square bracket
  • Press enter

Second prompt

[11; 13]

* For the next prompt, type
  • left square bracket eleven
  • semi colon
  • thirteen right square bracket
  • Press enter

For third prompt


* We provide the values of initial value vector by typing
  • open square bracket one
  • semicolon
  • one close square bracket
  • Press enter

For fourth prompt


* Then we specify the maximum number of iterations to be twenty five
  • Press enter

For fifth prompt


* Let us define tolerance level to be zero point zero zero zero zero one
  • Press enter

Then type:

GaussSeidel( A, b, x0, MaxIter, tol )

* Finally we call the function by typing G a u s s S e i d e l open paranthesis A comma b comma x zero comma M a x I t e r comma t o l close paranthesis
  • Press enter
  • The values of x one and x two are displayed.
  • The number of iterations to solve the same problem are lesser than Jacobi method

Slide 13- Solve * Solve this problem on your own using Jacobi and Gauss Seidel methods

Slide 14- Summary In this tutorial, we have learnt to:
  • Develop Scilab code for solving system of linear equations
  • Find the value of the unknown variables of a system of linear equations

Show Slide 15

Title: About the Spoken Tutorial Project

  • It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project
  • If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it

* About the Spoken Tutorial Project
  • Watch the video available at the following link
  • It summarises the Spoken Tutorial project
  • If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it

Show Slide 16

Title: Spoken Tutorial Workshops

The Spoken Tutorial Project Team

  • Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials
  • Gives certificates for those who pass an online test
  • For more details, please write to

The Spoken Tutorial Project Team
  • Conducts workshops using spoken tutorials
  • Gives certificates for those who pass an online test
  • For more details, please write to contact at spoken hyphen tutorial dot org

Show Slide 17

Title: Acknowledgement

  • Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project
  • It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India
  • More information on this Mission is available at

* Spoken Tutorial Project is a part of the Talk to a Teacher project
  • It is supported by the National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India
  • More information on this Mission is available at
  • spoken hyphen tutorial dot org slash NMEICT hyphen Intro

* This is Ashwini Patil signing off. Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Lavitha Pereira, Nancyvarkey