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00:05 So let me go to another solution that we came up for this problem
00:12 that good documents are missing that solution is called Textbook Companion or TBC in short.
00:21 So let us see more about it students are good in coding, but not with documenting
00:28 but India has about 10 Lakhs engineering students every year.
00:33 Can we use this students to create documents.
00:37 We need documents we are short of documents, unfortunately students don't like documentation even if they are good in coding.
00:49 So how do we solve this problem. We have lots of students who can do coding but we want documentation.
00:55 So we decided to address this by solving the inverse problem.
01:01 what is the inverse problem ask the student to write code for existing documents
01:09 okay for student of course textbooks are the best documents.
01:15 So we said ask them to write Scilab code for solved example of standard textbooks.
01:24 Notice this solved example we are not talking about unsolved problems.
01:29 Solved examples good textbooks give every step step by step explanation and solution.
01:37 One can implement in Scilab and verify scilab code line by line and any good student should be able contribute.
01:49 So this is how we started if they do for it for all solved example of a book
01:56 you get one text book companion and we pay Rupees 12000Rs for 1 textbook companion as honorarium.
02:08 We also give certificate and we also give link for it.
02:12 As matter of fact there is one student from IIT Madras he wrote to us saying that thanks to this textbook companion
02:22 he got an internship in a Japanese company So he was very happy about it.
02:28 funding for this comes from the funds the grant that we received from national mission on education through ICT MHRD.
02:38 which has been very generous in supporting this activities.
02:42 So I would like to invite all the students to benefit by this to contribute to this and also to use this.
02:50 How does one used it I am going to explain shortly okay 1000 college student and faculty contributed.
02:58 This students came from all over India all parts of India 600 textbooks were covered and 70,000 example were coded.
03:09 If you assume that there are 100 examples in a textbook then there will 60,000
03:15 some text book have actually more than 100 examples so we have 70,000 example coded.
03:23 You can download this textbook companions for offline use so let me click this so this
03:32 On the left hand side so this the website that we have created and we support at IIT Bombay.
03:47 By the way the software Scilab is not created by us Scilab is infact we have given a disclaimer also that it's ofcourse
03:56 we have said that its trademark of Inria and Scilab Enterprises and it has been now bought over by a company.
04:07 and I will show the link for that here but let's come here lets come back to the page and
04:29 let's go to textbook companion project and you have something called completed book.
04:27 Let me click this you can see that there are 594 books that have been completed so it has if I just scroll down
04:40 You will see that there are indeed 594 books here it is.
04:47 It's possible to get book according to specialization so let me do that instead of choosing all categories
05:03 let me choose electrical engineering for example and in that let me choose there are more here signal processing.
05:20 now if you go through this you see that in signal processing alone there are 17 books
05:26 So this is very popular book by Proakis and Manolakis DSP.
05:31 so let me click this and it's says that download codes notice that we are not giving a book
05:40 we are only giving scilab code to understand that code you need the book as a result.
05:47 This is a true textbook companion it only give Scilab code
05:53 It doesn't give the book we cannot copy the book and distribute that will be violation of copyright we don't do such illegal things.
06:03 so here, if you click this you can download entire Scilab code.
06:11 if you click here you can get the PDF lets click this and see what it has so it's downloaded here.
06:19 so here you are this is created by Prof Senthilkumar from IRTT in Erode he is a college teacher
06:29 and let's go down So it has all the example by chapter.
06:39 You also have it in terms of example number so for example if you want to say exponential decreasing signal example 2.1.09.
06:52 let me click this there it is example 2.1.09
06:59 So you can reach this directly and notice that it has code after code which is not given in the book.
07:10 what is given in the book is not reproduced here as a result there is no copyright violation at all as matter of fact.
07:19 It's other way around we are here helping authors of book by giving scilab code.
07:27 There may be authors who may not given any code with there book
07:32 but we have given scilab code and we have given it for 600 close to 600 books infact 594 as of now.
07:41 and there are some more book in pipeline those are undergoing under review revision and so on and so-forth
07:51 okay let me just see we have anything else here.
07:56 We can download code for an entire book or chapter let me show you So here I showed how to download a PDF version
08:08 let me close this we are back in the download course that we saw earlier
08:17 So instead of Download PDF if you download here you will get all the Scilab code as a zip file
08:25 Instead you can say that let's open discrete time signal and system chapter 2 let's choose an example.
08:45 let say exponential increasing decreasing signal here is a code
08:56 so I don't have to download the entire book I have I can choose a chapter
09:04 If I click here and download I will get the zip file for that chapter only
09:14 Instead I can say that I don't want it for whole chapter there are too many things
09:18 I get confused I want scilab code for only one example So I have selected this
09:26 So let me click this let me show in Finder okay I ran it you see the output okay
09:51 so it is possible to do that let me close this So as I told you earlier.
10:02 you can download the code for entire book or a chapter or an example
10:09 So which is very useful because you can just go to example that you like download only that code run it test it.
10:17 Now I am going to give a demo of scilab cloud on GARUDA so here is the link let me click this So let me demonstrate it
10:31 let me choose once again electrical engineering I will choose control system
10:43 I will choose B.C Kaou Frequency Domain Analysis see how it is organised
10:53 First the main category than subcategory in that what is the name of the book and what is the chapter and what is the example
11:04 I want to choose bode plot the moment I selected I get the code here
11:12 so this is written by some student one of your friend from across the country.
11:19 So lets execute this so it gives bode plot you can download if you want
11:28 lets close it and here its result let me zoom it little bit okay you can actually see that.
11:38 Now I am going to ask you quiz suppose I increase the gain of this transfer function lets go to 5000
11:51 okay that's right you can actually edit this page
11:55 So I have change this from 2500 to 5000
12:00 Now If I do that what will happen to gain margin and face margin.
12:05 I want you to note down gain margin is 14 Face margin is 31
12:11 If I increase the gain what will happen to this system lets go ahead
12:19 So this goes to GARUDA cloud which is hosted in Banglore Sydac let me close this.
12:28 yes if you guess it correct the margins will come down 14 has become 8 and 31 has become 17
12:42 so it is possible for you to try out all the 70000 example on the cloud.
12:51 So how do we use this TBC as a documentation
12:56 what do I mean by that supposing you want to know how to use scilab for the first four year transform because you have in your course.
13:05 So open the textbooks there must be example that shows how to solve first four year transform.
13:14 How to implement first four year transform.
13:18 So that example is given you got to that textbook companion in Scilab as 600 books are covered most likely your textbook is also covered
13:29 you go to that chapter particular example and open the scilab code.
13:36 It tells you how first four year transform is done.
13:40 Okay what do we do if the book is not covered
13:44 you propose or you ask a smart classmate in your class that to do this for you
13:52 and that person can create textbook companion on that book and the problem is solved.
14:00 okay It can be used as documentation as I mentioned It can be used for what if studies
14:07 like I mentioned for example like we did for example increase the gain by 2
14:15 you may want to reduce the friction factor by 10th.
14:21 you may want to change the bandwidth of some communication channel and so on and so forth.
14:27 So its very easy if you are a faculty member you are teaching a class just project this
14:34 and then you can just do it online ofcourse you need internet connection.
14:40 If you don't have internet connection use the offline version that I showed you little while ago
14:46 it is ofcourse useful for students also.
14:49 You want understand how a particular topic is covered you want to improve it you can do that as a matter of fact.
14:57 I believe that this alone that is textbook companion alone is useful for more than 40 lakhs engineering students
15:07 who are in our colleges in anytime for them scilab is more than enough.
15:14 It is only for very small fraction of student who may want extra things
15:18 Who may want extra things which may not be available in Scilab.
15:23 they might say they want to use some other software.
15:25 My question to you is, So for that 1 percent of the students
15:32 should we used some other software that will tax all the 99 percent of the students.
15:38 That's why I said use Scilab wherever possible and that Scilab is good enough for 99 percent of the students like
15:46 we demonstrated for the remaining 1 percent of the application.
15:50 Use whatever software whether it is opensource or commercial
15:54 whatever it is but don't impose commercial on the 99 percent of the student who can get by with scilab.
16:03 It is also true for industry what how many companies solve ex-chattering all the time
16:13 very rarely do they solve such problem for most of them.
16:18 What is available in scilab is more than enough and it's absolutely open source.
16:23 All companies can also use Scilab absolutely free of cost and of course this useful for the people all over the world
16:34 Imagine this is something created by us by our students
16:40 By who are funded by our Taxpayer made available to whole world that's the beauty of opensource software.
16:49 you create good product and share it and lots of people can benefit by that.
16:56 just like Scilab was created by somebody and left it as open source for all our students to benefit
17:03 we also reciprocate in this manner there is another very nice thing that we have created
17:10 On top for this textbook companion code search let me show you.
17:15 We click this link if you click this it comes here once again it is in website
17:22 how did I reach here search TBC code search this what I find.
17:28 So how do I use it when you know need to know the name of the command
17:34 How do I locate the name of the command I do google search for example
17:41 I wanted to set a problem in partial fraction in Scilab I had forgotten the command
17:50 I had forgotten the syntax so I said partial fraction Scilab
18:01 So very first link is PFSS So I know the command I found the command name now how do I find example
18:12 I have had very bad experience of trying to get working example in the past
18:20 and I do a google search I get lots of hits 100,000 hits but not useful one.
18:29 I have to search one after another for working code but we have solved the problem in our code search
18:38 Remember the command PFSS so I come here and I searched PFSS I search it says 140 results found where are this from remember.
18:57 I told you that there 70,000 examples that have been coded by your classmate student across the country.
19:06 they have made available out of 70,000 example 140 of them have used PFSS.
19:15 The first one is by this circuit analysis book let me go down here is the book by Ashok here is the book by Babu
19:36 here is the book by Salivahanan here is the book by Manke you keep doing it until you like a book that is displayed.
19:48 here is the book by Coughanowr which I used when I was a student
I said hey you know I have used this book let me view this example.
19:59 It immediately takes me to the scilab oncloud that we have seen before
20:06 This is example 2.4 in that book and if you see here the notice that PFSS.
20:15 So all I have to do is execute and I get the result.
20:23 only denominator is displayed that is because of numerator there is a semicolon
20:28 let me deleted let me run it and I get numerator also displayed.
20:36 You can see the partial fraction is with a denominator x-2 this is x+1, x-1 and so on.
20:42 So if I don't like this I can modified it re-run it I can get example and so on.
20:48 So this is extremely useful for faculty members if they want to set problem for lab exam final exam.
20:56 whatever it is and you can do this for all kinds of application
21:01 ofcourse it will help you to identify example for the command that you want to find

Contributors and Content Editors

Nancyvarkey, Pratik kamble