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Visual Cue Narration
0:00 Hello friends and welcome to the tutorial on 'Basic Data types and operators' in Python.
0:07 At the end of this tutorial, you will be able to,
  1. Know the Datatypes in Python
      • Numbers
      • Boolean
      • Sequence
  1. Learn about the Operators in Python
      • Arithmetic Operators
      • Boolean Operators
  1. Know the Python Sequence Data types
      • list
      • string
      • tuple
0:28 First we will explore python data structures in the domain of numbers.
0:34 There are three built-in data types in python to represent numbers.
0:38 These are:
  • int
  • float
  • complex
0:43 Let us first invoke our ipython interpreter
0:48 So type ipython in your command and hit enter
0:52 Lets first talk about int.
0:54 So type a=13
1:00 Then type a and you can see the output.
1:03 Now, we have our first int variable a.
1:07 If we now see
1:08 Type command type within brackets a then we see the output int
1:17 This means that 'a' is a type of int.
1:22 There are lot of functions associated with the int datatype, to manipulate it in different ways.
1:30 These can be explored by doing, a dot tab
1:40 int datatype can hold integers of any size lets see this by an example.
1:48 So type b= couple of 9 or some data, then type b and you can see the output.
2:02 As you can see, even when we put a value of 9 repeated 20 times, python did not complain.
2:12 This is because python's int data-type can hold integers of any size.
2:17 Let us now look at the float data-type.
2:21 Decimal numbers in python are represented by the float data-type
2:25 So type p = 3 point 141592,then type p.
2:41 Then if you notice the value of output of p isn't exactly equal to p.
2:48 This is because computer saves floating point values in a specific format.
2:54 There is always an approximation.
2:57 This is why we should never rely on equality of floating point numbers in a program.
3:05 The last data type in the list is complex number
3:09 So type c = 3 point 2 plus 4 point 6j
3:18 it's just a combination of two floats the imaginary part being defined by j notation instead of i.
3:25 Complex numbers have a lot of functions specific to them.
3:29 Let us look at these
3:31 So type c dot tab, so can get the output.
3:37 So let's try some of them c.real then c.imag
3:49 c.real gives the real part of the number and c.imag the imaginary.
3:56 We can get the absolute value using the function abs within bracket c
4:06 Now pause the video here, and try out the following exercise and resume the video.
4:15 Find the absolute value of 3+4j <pause> Switch to terminal for solution
4:27 So type abs within bracket 3+4j
4:34 Thus we get the absolute value of the expression.
4:37 Let us do 1 more exercise of a similar type.
4:39 Pause the video here, and try out the following exercise and resume the video.
4:45 What is the datatype of number 29 that is a couple of 999999999999999999? after 20 So Is it not int?
5:00 The solution is on your screen.
5:02 The data type of this number is long though it is an integer.
5:07 But big integers are internally stored in python as Long datatype.
5:13 Python also has Boolean as a built-in type.
5:18 To Try it out, just type in the terminal t=True.
5:28 note that T in true is capitalized.
5:34 You can apply different Boolean operations on t now for example
5:40 Try out f = not t enter

f f or t f and t

5:59 The results are self explanatory.
6:01 What if you want to apply one operator before another.
6:05 Well you can use parenthesis for precedence.
6:10 Lets write some piece of code to check this out.
6:13 So type a =False

b=True c=True

6:24 To check how precedence changes with parenthesis, we will try two expressions and their evaluation.
6:33 The first one within bracket a and b or c and hit enter
6:44 This expression gives the value True where as the expression a and within brackets b or c
7:01 and that gives the value False.
7:04 Let's now look at some operators available in Python to manipulate these data types.
7:09 Python uses 'plus' sign for addition
7:13 So type 23 + 74 you can see the added value
7:19 And 'minus' sign for subtraction
7:24 23 - 56
7:27 '*' (star) sign for multiplication
7:33 '/'(back slash) for division
7:37 For example we can try out 384 by 16

8 by 3 and for the decimal one we can try 8 point 0 by 3.

7:57 Note that, when we did 8/3 the first case results in an integer output as both the operands are integer however when 8 point 0/3 is used the answer is float as one of the operands is float.
8:16 Let us move ahead with the operators. '%' (percentage) sign for modulo operation
8:23 So type 87 modulo 6 and hit enter
8:29 and two stars for a exponent.
8:32 So type 7 star star 8 and hit enter
8:38 It is said one wishes to use the current value of variable in which the result is stored in the expression, one can do that by putting the operator before equal to.
8:49 So you can say a=73

a star=34

8:59 The above expression is same as, you can try out by typing a=a star 34 and hit enter
9:12 and a backslash =23
9:21 Pause the video here, and try out the following exercise and resume the video.
9:25 Using python find the sqaure root of 3.
9:29 The solution is on your screen.
9:33 3 star star 0.5 gives the square root of 3.
9:39 Now, Is 3 star star 1 slash 2 and 3 star star 0 point 5 same? <Pause>
9:54 Now switch to terminal.
9:57 And let us try both these operations.
10:00 So type 3 star star 0 point 5 and hit enter

3 star star 1 slash 2 and hit enter

10:15 As you can see,the first operation gives an integer, whereas the second one gives a float.
10:19 Hence,though both mean the same,they give different outputs.
10:24 Let us now discuss sequence data types in Python.
10:27 Sequence data types are those in which elements are kept in a sequential order and all the elements are accessed using index numbers.
10:38 The sequence datatypes in Python are
  • list
  • string
  • tuple
10:43 The list type is a container that holds a number of other objects, in the given order.
10:51 We create our first list by typing
10:55 So type num underscore list = within square bracket 1 comma 2 comma 3 comma 4

num underscore list

11:08 Items enclosed in square brackets separated by comma constitutes a list.
11:14 Lists can store data of any type in them.
11:18 We have a list something like var underscore list = within square bracket 1 comma 1 point 2 comma then again within square bracket 1 comma 2

var underscore list

11:45 Lets look at another sequence data type, strings
11:49 So you can type greeting underscore string= within double quotes hello
12:01 greeting_string is now a string variable with the value "hello"
12:07 Python strings can actually be defined in three different ways
12:12 k=within single qoute write Single quote

l=within double qoutes Let's see how to include a single quote m=within double qoutes Let's see how to include both

12:34 As you can see, single quotes are used as delimiters usually.
12:38 When a string contains a single quote, double quotes are used as delimiters.
12:44 When a string quote contains both single and double quotes, triple quotes are used as delimiters.
12:55 The last in the list of sequence data types is tuple.
12:59 To create a tuple we use normal brackets '(' unlike square bracket '[' for lists.
13:07 So you can type num underscore tuple = within bracket 1 to 8 separeted by comma
13:18 Because of their sequential property there are certain functions and operations we can apply to all of them.
13:25 The first one is accessing.
13:28 They can be using index numbers.
13:31 So type in terminal num underscore list within square bracket 2

num underscore list within square bracket -1 greeting underscore string within square bracket 1 greeting underscore string within square bracket 3 greeting underscore string within square bracket -2 num underscore tuple within square bracket 2 num underscore tuple within square bracket -3

14:08 Indexing starts from 0, from left to right and from -1 when accessing lists in reverse. |- | 14:14 | Thus num underscore list[2] refers to the third element 3. and greetings [-2] is the second element from the end , that is 'l'.
14:26 Addition gives a new sequence containing both sequences
14:30 So type num underscore list + var underscore list in terminal.

Then a underscore string= within double quote another string greeting underscore string+a underscore string t2= 3 4 6 7 separated by commas in bracket num underscore tuple+t2

15:17 len function gives the length
15:20 So you can type len within bracket num underscore list

len within bracket greeting underscore string len within bracket num underscore tuple

15:43 We can check the containership of an element using the 'in' keyword
15:50 So you can type in temainal and check so that you can see the difference.So type

3 in num underscore list Then type in single quotes 'H' in greeting underscore string 2 in num underscore tuple

16:15 We see that it gives True and False accordingly.
16:18 Find maximum using max function and minimum using min
16:23 Check that by typing in terminal

max within bracket num underscore tuple min within bracket greeting underscore string

16:39 Get a sorted list
16:42 So you can type sorted within bracket num underscore list
16:50 As a consequence of their order, we can access a group of elements in a sequence, together.
16:57 This is called slicing and striding.
17:00 First lets discuss Slicing,
17:02 Given a list j= within square bracket 1 to 6
17:09 Lets say we want elements starting from 2 and ending in 5.
17:14 For this we can do j witin square bracket 1 colon 4
17:24 The syntax for slicing is, sequence variable name, square bracket, first element index, colon, second element index.
17:36 The first element however is not included in the resultant list
17:39 So you can type j within square bracket colon 4
17:49 If first element is left blank default is from beginning and if last element is left blank it means till the end.
18:14 So you can type in the terminal

j within square bracket 1 colon j within square bracket colon

18:30 This effectively is the whole list.
18:33 Striding is similar to slicing except that the step size here is not one.
18:39 So let us see an example
18:41 So type new underscore num underscore list=1 to 10 separated by commas within square bracket

new underscore num underscore list within square bracket 1 colon 8 colon 2 then on the other line within square bracket 2 4 6 8 separated by commas that will be the output.

19:07 The, colon two, added in the end signifies all the alternate elements.
19:15 This is why we call this concept striding because we move through the list with a particular stride or step.
19:23 The step in this example being 2.
19:25 We have talked about many similar features of lists, strings and tuples.
19:32 But there are many important features in lists that differ from strings and tuples.
19:37 Lets see this by example.
19:40 Type new underscore num underscore list within square bracket[1]=9

greeting underscore string within sqaure bracket 1 =within single quote k

19:59 We can see an error
20:03 As you can see while the first command executes with out a problem there is an error on the second one.
20:10 Now lets try new underscore tuple within square bracket 1=5
20:19 Its the same error.
20:23 This is because strings and tuples share the property of being immutable.
20:28 We cannot change the value at a particular index just by assigning a new value at that position.
20:34 We have looked at different types but we need to convert one data type into another.
20:39 Well lets one by one go through methods by which we can convert one data type to other
20:45 So type i=34

d=float within bracket i d

21:00 Python has built in functions int, float and complex to convert one number type data structure to another.
21:08 So type dec=2.34

dec underscore con=int(dec) dec underscore con

21:29 As you can see the decimal part of the number is simply stripped to get the integer.
21:35 So type com=2.3+4.2j

floatwithin bracket com

21:56 So here we are getting another error
22:05 So here the error can be solved by your side.
22:10 Similarly we can convert list to tuple and tuple to list.
22:15 For that type lst= 3 4 5 6 separated by comma

tup=tuple within bracket lst Then type lst Then type tupl=3 comma 23 comma 4 comma 56 in bracket lst=list within bracket tupl Then type tupl

22:54 However converting a string to a list and a list to a string is an interesting problem.
22:59 Let's say we have a string somestring= within double quote Is there a way to split on these spaces.

somestring.split() function, so it will spilt.Hit by command.

23:28 This produces a list with the string split at whitespace.
23:33 Similarly we can split on some other character.
22:37 So you can type otherstring=within double quote Tim comma Amy comma Stewy comma Boss
23:48 How do we split on comma , simply pass it as argument
23:56 So you can type on the terminal otherstring.split within bracket comma in single quote and hit enter
24:06 join function does the opposite.
24:10 Joins a list to make a string.
24:14 So you can type l1=within square bracket List comma joined comma on comma commas,all within single quote

Then type , within single quote comma .join within bracket l1

25:02 Thus we get a list joined on commas.
25:05 Similarly we can do spaces.
25:07 So you can type l2=Within square brackets in single quote Now comma on comma spaces.

And we can type in single quote space.join within bracket l2, so you will get out put.

25:27 Note that the list has to be a list of strings to apply join operation.
25:32 Pause the video here, try out the following exercise and resume the video.
25:38 Check if 3 is an element of the list [1 comma 7 comma 5 comma 3 comma 4]. In case it is change it to 21.
25:56 Switch to the terminal for solution
26:00 Type l=[1 comma 7 comma 5 comma 3 comma 4

3 in l l in square bracket 3=21 l

26:22 Let us solve one more exercise.
26:24 Pause the video here, do the exercise and resume the video.
26:31 Convert the string "Elizabeth is queen of england" to "Elizabeth is queen"
26:39 Switch to the terminal for solution.
26:43 So s=Elizabeth is queen of england in double quotes

stemp=s.split() within single quote space.join within brqacket stemp within square bracket colon 3 and hit enter

27:07 As you can see, we have easily removed the unwanted words.
27:11 This brings us to the end of the tutorial.
27:14 In this tutorial, we have learnt to, 1. Understand the number Datatypes -- integer,float and complex.
27:21 2. Know the boolean datatype and operators +, backslash, percent that is modulo and * for multiplication .
27:33 3. use the sequence data types -- List,String and Tuple.
27:36 4. Slice sequences by using the row and column numbers.
27:41 5. Split and join a list using split() and join() function respectively.
27:49 6. Convert to string to tuple and vice-versa.
27:54 Here are some self assessment questions for you to solve
27:58 1. What is the major diffence between tuples and lists?
28:02 2. Split this string on whitespaces
28:05 string="Split this string on whitespaces"
28:09 And the answers,
28:12 1. The major diffence between tuples and lists is that Tuples are immutable while lists are not.
28:20 2. To split the string on whitespace, we use the function
`` split`` without any argument
28:26 string.split() function
28:29 Hope you have enjoyed this tutorial and found it useful.
28:34 Thank You.

Contributors and Content Editors

Gaurav, Minal, PoojaMoolya, Sneha