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Structural navigation of web pages. Hello, this is Krishnakant Mane welcoming you to this tutorial on Orca. You will need to go through the tutorial on internet basics as a prerequisite for this tutorial. This time we are going to look at how orca can help us navigate a web page and read it in a meaningful way. Before we go ahead with this tutorial, Let me introduce you to the reader of this script. With me is Ankita Shanbhag who will read this script, while I will perform the activities on the desktop. So Over to Ankita. hi! this is Ankita. A well designed web page is generally divided into sections.In a web page, these are referred to as headings. There are six levels of headings starting from 1. This implies that main headings have a higher no. Than their sub-headings or subsections for example,heading of chapter in a book is at a higher level than its sections or subsections.We will be looking at how orca helps us to browse through this hierarchy of headings. For demonstrating this navigation mechanism we will be using the vinux user manual which is a very handy tool for beginners with orca. This manual is a webpage and opens offline in the firefox web browser. To open this manual press the key combination ctrl+alt +q like this. As you can hear, orca informs us that the vinux quick start manual is opened in mozilla firefox. and hey! as a side effect you will also get to know what is present in this user manual. this will often be useful when you are learning vinux. If you remember from the tutorial on surfing the internet you will recall that pressing the tab key moves the focus from one link to the next. While shift+tab will move it in reverse direction. So lets press tab and find what orca announces. As you can hear, orca tells us that this is vinux quick start manual.By now u will be quite familiar with the read all command. So if you recall its the numpad+ on the desktop and capslock+semicolon on the laptop. So lets use the read all command to know what is there in this manual. There you are! the makers of this manual have smartly put information on navigating this manual which is actually a web page. We already know that by pressing the letter h we can move to next heading. shift+h similarly moves us to previous heading. but as you just heard orca told us about two sets of new commands that is pressing 1,2,3 would move us to the next heading level 1,2 or 3 . Similarly using shift+1,2 and 3 move us in the reverse direction for the respective heading level. In most cases,the main title of the manual is made at heading level 1. Sections are mostly at heading level 2 and subsections inside those chapters at heading level 3. So lets see whether this structure has also been used in this manual. Lets start searching for the sections in this manual. Press no 2 since it is that key used by orca to take you to next heading at level 2. There you are! Orca tells us that we are on the section 1. It also reads the level of the heading along with its title. naturally, the subsection under this should be at level 3. So let's press the number 3 on the keyboard to see if that works. As we can hear, orca indeed tells that there is a topic at heading level 3. You can at any point of time use the read all command to read from the current selected heading. Ok, let's try pressing the combination shift + 2 and see if we can move back to the starting of this section. That's it, we are back at the section one. As if this was not enough to amaze you with the power orca has for assisting on the internet, let me show you another exciting feature of firefox accessibility.. We can get the list of all the links on this page in the form of a drop down Let's try it right away.Press ctrl+shift+l to bring up the linked list dialog like this. If there are lot of links on this page orca might take a while to read the list.Now lets use the down arrow and browse the list of links available. you can hit enter on any of this link to activate it.Besides you can filter this list. This is very useful if we want to search a particular link with a certain keyword. for example i might be interested to look at information related to solving problems. this is often referred to as troubleshooting. Lets press tab to go to the edit box labelled "filtered by". Now lets just type 'trouble' and press shift+tab to come back to the list. There it is! You can already hear orca reading thee first link in the list. You can observe that it contains the word 'trouble' as in troubleshooting. Press the down arrow again to browse the list.Now as you can hear, the only links available in this list are those having the word trouble in them. You can hit enter on any of these links to activate it. But that is pretty obvious and you already learnt it in the tutorial on internet basics. There is another approach to accessing links.With the current link selected press the tab key twice to locate the 'Move to link' button like this. Hitting enter on this button will move the focus to this link and close the dialog. There you are! the dialog has closed and we have directly jumped to the section relevant to activated link. Now you can read the information around this link or press enter to activate this link. Isn't this a powerful feature? I guess by now you are interested to surf more on the internet. So i'll take a leave for this tutorial. Till we meet next time, this is Ankita and Krishnakant saying good bye and happy surfing.

Contributors and Content Editors

PoojaMoolya, Pravin1389