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Visual Cue Narration
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Assignment grading and Report generation

Welcome to the spoken tutorial on Assignment grading and Report generation in Moodle.
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Learning Objectives:

In this tutorial, we will learn how to:
  • Review online and offline assignment submissions
  • Give feedback on submissions
  • Edit grades for assignments and
  • Generate various grade reports in Moodle
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OS, Web Server and Moodle Versions

This tutorial is recorded using:
  • Ubuntu Linux OS 16.04
  • Apache, MariaDB and PHP obtained through XAMPP 5.6.30
  • Moodle 3.3


  • Firefox web browser

You may use any web browser of your choice.

However, Internet Explorer should be avoided, as it causes some display inconsistencies.

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This tutorial assumes that
  • your site administrator has registered you as a teacher
  • And assigned at least one course to you.
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Assumptions... continued

It also assumes that
  • you have added some course material, assignments and quizzes for your course and
  • you have some student logins
  • If not, please refer to the relevant Moodle tutorials on this website.
Before we begin, let me show you how a student will submit an assignment.
Switch to the browser.


Login as student Priya Sinha

I have logged in as student Priya Sinha right now.
Click on Calculus

Click on Assignment 1 - Evolutes and Involutes

In the left panel, click the following as shown.

My courses, Calculus and Assignment 1 - Evolutes and Involutes.

Highlight as per narration I can see the details of the assignment and the Submission status like due date, etc.
Click on Add submission Click on Add submission button at the bottom of the page.
Scroll down and highlight the sections The assignment allows both Online text as well as File submission.
Show the file in file manager Let me upload a document with my solutions for this assignment.
Text box The submission file Assign1-Q1-soln.odt is available in the Code files link of this tutorial.

Please download and use it.

Drag and drop my file I”ll drag and drop my file here.
Click on Save changes Scroll down and click on the Save changes button at the bottom of the page.
Highlight the submission status row The submission status says Draft (not submitted)..
Highlight as per narration We can also add a comment or edit this submission before finally submitting it.
Click on Submit assignment Scroll down and click on Submit assignment button at the bottom of the page.
Click on Continue Click Continue to confirm the submission.
Highlight the submission status row

Highlight the grading status

The submission status has now changed to Submitted for grading.

The grading status shows Not graded.

Highlight the row Attempt number Note that there are only 2 attempts allowed.
That is because the teacher has set this to be opened manually.
It can be attempted again only if the teacher allows it from her login.
Logout of Priya Sinha’s account Let me logout from Priya’s account now.
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To proceed further…..

Ensure that all your students have attempted the assignments.

This is important before you review as a teacher.

Pause the tutorial and attempt the assignment for at least 5 students.

I have already done so for my students.

Username: becky0808

Password: Spokentutorial12#

I will now login as teacher Rebecca Raymond.
Click on Calculus

Click on Assignment 1 - Evolutes and Involutes

In the left panel, click the following as shown.

My courses, Calculus and Assignment 1 - Evolutes and Involutes.

Highlight as per narration We can see the description and the Grading summary on this page.

The number of submissions and the ones required for grading are also listed here.

Click on View All submissions Click on View All submissions link.
Highlight the submission table This will open a page.

Here, we can see the details of all the students who attempted the assignments.

Point to Participant32 , Participant 33 etc Note that there are no names against the submissions.
This is because the assignment was marked for blind grading.
Close the drawer menu Let me close the navigation menu on the left for a larger view.
Now let’s understand this page.
Highlight as per narration At the top of the page click on the Grading action drop-down.
Highlight as per narration It has 4 options:
  1. Download all submissions
  2. Reveal student identities
  3. Upload multiple feedback files in a zip and
  4. View gradebook
Let us go through them one by one.
Select Download all submissions

Download the zip file.

Select the option Download all submissions.

This will download all the student submissions in a zip file.

Show the file in file manager. I have already downloaded and extracted the zip file on my system.
Highlight the folders for each student Every student’s online text submission and file submission are in a folder.
Point to the folders I have 5 submissions, so I can see folders for Participant 34 to 38.

The participant names could be different for you.

Open the folder named Participant_38_assignsubmission_file_ Let me open the assignment submission folder for Participant 38
Open the file Assignment1-Q1-soln.odt Open the file Assignment1-Q1-soln.odt submitted by the student.
Add a comment at the end:


Your answer is correct. See if you can arrive at this answer using some other method.

Save the file as Assignment1-Q1-Feedback.odt

I will add a comment to the file as shown.

Then I’ll save it as Assignment1-Q1-Feedback.odt.

And close the file.

Only narration It is not mandatory to save the file as a different file.

I have done this so the student knows the file is different from her solution file.

Copy the file Solution-Evolutes and Involutes.pdf to the folder Participant_1_assignsubmission_file_ I will also add the solution file to the folder.

I have saved the file as Solution-Evolutes and Involutes.pdf

Text box This file is available in the Code files section of the tutorial
This is helpful if you have many submissions and you prefer to grade them offline.


Pause the tutorial here and do this assignment.
  • Add feedback to submissions made by other students.
  • Select all the student folders (with the submission inside) and zip.
  • Name the zip file as
  • You can choose a name of your choice for the zip file.

Resume the tutorial when done.

Switch to the browser. Let us go back to the browser.
Select the option In the Grading action drop-down, the next option is to Reveal student identities.

A confirmation box opens when this is selected.

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Reveal Student Identities in Moodle

  • Use this option with caution
  • This action cannot be undone
  • You have to reveal student identities after the submission
  • Else students will not be able to view their grades
This option has to be used with caution.

That is because the action cannot be undone.

Also note that you have to reveal student identities after the submission.

Unless you do this, students will not be able to view their grades

Click on Cancel button Let me cancel this right now.
Highlight Upload multiple feedback files in a zip Click on Grading action drop-down.

The next option is Upload multiple feedback files in a zip.

This enables teachers to send feedback files back to all students in one single action.
We will upload the feedback file
Click on Upload multiple feedback files in a zip Click on Upload multiple feedback files in a zip option in the drop-down.
Drag Drag the feedback zip file to the upload area.
Click on Import feedback files Click on Import feedback files button at the bottom of the page.
Highlight as per narration You can see a screen with the name of the files that have been modified.
Click on the Confirm button Click on the Confirm button at the bottom of the page.

Users with updated feedback: 5

Feedback files updated: 0

Feedback files added: 13

The next page shows the status of the upload.
Click on Continue button Click on Continue button at the bottom of the page.
We are back in the submissions page.
Highlight the submissions table Below the Grading action drop-down is the table with submissions for all students.
Every row in the table represents one student.
Highlight the dropdown Below the table, click on the drop-down With selected....
Point to the options in the table. The options in this drop-down are for selected users.

We can select users from the checkbox on the left of each row.

We will come to this drop-down later.
Highlight the filters Below this drop-down is the Options section.

It has filters to narrow down our list.

Highlight the scroll Note the horizontal scroll below the table.

If you cannot see some of the columns in the table, you can scroll to the right.

Let us come back to the submissions now.
Click on Grade button Click on the Grade button to grade an individual submission.
Highlight as per narration We can see the submission on the left and a panel on the right.
Highlight the fields in the right panel Here we can add comments, put the grades and leave feedback for the submission.
The left panel is more like an editor.

This is where we can add notes or highlight the submitted document.

Explore this toolbar on your own.
Grade -> 76.

Feedback comment -> Good job!

On the right panel, I will give the grade as 76 and add a feedback comment.
Click on the Save changes button When done, click on the Save changes button at the bottom of the page.
Click on OK button Click on OK button to confirm the changes.
Now, click on the assignment name link at the top left of the page.
Click on View all submissions Click on View all Submissions link at the bottom of this page.
Highlight the grade Notice that the grade is now shown next to the grade button.
Click on the dropdown. Below the submissions table is another drop-down menu.

This allows the teacher to lock or unlock a submission.

Click on the checkbox to the left of the row. I will select the submission that I just graded.
Locking a submission freezes the submission.

No further changes can be made by the student after this.

Select Lock submission.

Click on Go button.

Select Lock submission and click on the Go button on its right.
Click on Ok Click on Ok in the confirmation box.
Highlight the status message The status of the assignment now says Submission changes not allowed.

The teacher however, can edit the grades if required.

Click on With selected… dropdown and highlight Unlock submissions Unlocking, on the other hand, unlocks any locked assignment.
Click on Grading options dropdown After you have finished grading, click on the Grading action drop-down.
Click on Reveal student identities Now, select Reveal student identities.
Click on Continue Read the notice in the confirmation box and click the Continue button.
Highlight the columns with students name and email ID Note that the students’ names and email IDs are now revealed in the rows.
Students will be able to view their grades now.
Click on the Grading Action drop-down and select View Gradebook
Highlight Grader report We will be redirected to a page with the title Grader Report.
Grader report is a comprehensive report for all students.
Highlight the report All the grades for each student can be found in this report by default.
Click on P You can filter these by students’ names by clicking on the alphabets here.
Click on Single View tab Next, click on the tab Single View.
Highlight as per narration Single View report has 2 drop-downs:
  • Select grade item: Selecting any item will show grades of all students for that activity
  • Select user:

This will show grades of all activities for that user.

Select Assignment 1 - Evolutes and Involutes from Select grade item... dropdown Let me select Assignment 1 - Evolutes and Involutes from the Select grade item dropdown.
I can see the list of all enrolled students along with details of their attempts.
Highlight the grade and feedback boxes. It is possible to modify either one or bulk grades from this page.
Select the Override checkbox next to Priya Sinha.

Append I am pleased with your progress in Priya Sinha’s feedback box.

You can also override or exclude students from the column on the right.
Check Perform bulk insert To modify grades in bulk, check the checkbox Perform bulk insert.
Select Empty grades in the For dropdown.

Enter 0 in the Insert value text box.

Select Empty grades in the For dropdown.

Enter 0 in the Insert value text box.

Click on the Save button Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page.
Click on Continue button Click on Continue button after you see the success message.
Highlight as per narration Notice that all the empty grade boxes now have 0.
Click on User Report tab Let us now see the User report.
User report shows a breakdown of the grades for each assessment for every student.
Highlight as per narration Scroll down to see the assignments and quizzes.
Select Priya Sinha from Select all or one user dropdown On the top right of the report is a drop-down to select a user.

Let me select Priya Sinha.

tudeClick on the dropdown to show the options. Teachers have the option to view the report as the selected user or as a teacher.
Every report shown here can be exported in various formats.

Let me export this user report.

Click on Export tab Click on the Export tab one level above the various reports.
Highlight the various tabs as per narration The reports can be downloaded in 4 formats:
  • OpenDocument Spreadsheet
  • Plain text file
  • Excel Spreadsheet and
  • XML file
Click on Excel spreadsheet I will click on OpenDocument spreadsheet.
Highlight as per narration There are various filters that you can use to filter your export.

By default all grade items are included.

Click on Select all/none link.

Check Assignment 1 - Evolutes and Involutes

Let me select Assignment 1 - Evolutes and Involutes
Click on Export format options Click on Export format options to expand the section.
Check the checkbox Include feedback in export Check the checkbox Include feedback in export.
Click on Download button Then click on the Download button at the bottom of the page.
Select Save File

Click OK

Select Save File option and then click OK to save the file.

I have already saved the file on my system.

Open the file Let me open and review the file which downloaded on my machine.

With this, we come to the end of this tutorial.

Let us summarize.

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In this tutorial, we learnt how to:
  • Review online and offline assignment submissions
  • Give feedback on submissions.
  • Edit grades for assignments and
  • Generate various grade reports in Moodle
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(About Spoken Tutorial Project)

The video at the following link summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

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(About Spoken Tutorial Project)

The Spoken Tutorial Project Team conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

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(About Spoken Tutorial Forum)

Please post your timed queries in this forum.
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Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India. More information on this mission is available at the link shown.
This script has been contributed by Priyanka.

And this is Nancy Varkey along with the Spoken Tutorial team signing off.

Thanks for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Itspriyanka, Nancyvarkey