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Categories in Moodle

Welcome to the Spoken Tutorial on Categories in Moodle
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Learning Objectives:

In this tutorial, we will learn about:

  • Course category
  • How to create categories & subcategories
  • How to perform actions on categories

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OS, Web Server and Moodle Versions

To record this tutorial, I will be using:

  • Ubuntu Linux OS 16.04
  • Apache, MariaDB and PHP obtained through XAMPP 5.6.30
  • Moodle 3.3
  • And Firefox web browser

You can use any web browser of your choice.

However, Internet Explorer should be avoided, as it causes some display inconsistencies.

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  • Learners of this tutorial should have Moodle 3.3 installed on their system.
  • If not, please refer to the relevant Moodle tutorials on this website.

Switch to the browser.


Switch to the browser and open your Moodle homepage.

Make sure that the XAMPP service is running.

Login Login with your admin username and password details.
We are now in the admin dashboard.
Click on Site Administration.

Click on Courses -> Manage courses and categories

On the left side, click on Site Administration.

Click on the Courses tab and then Manage courses and categories.

We will be directed to a page with the title Course and category management.

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Course category

Let us understand what a course category is.

  • Course categories help to organize Moodle courses for the site users.
  • The default category for a new Moodle site is Miscellaneous.
  • Any new course will be assigned to this Miscellaneous category, by default.

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Course organization

However, it will be difficult for teachers and students to find their courses.

To make it easier to locate courses, they should be assigned in categories.

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Course organization

* Most institutions organize courses by campus or department.
  • It is good to have descriptive names for better clarity.
  • We will go ahead and organize our courses by departments.

For eg. our Maths category will have all the Math courses.

Let us switch back to the Moodle site.
First we will understand the Course and category management page layout.
Highlight the left region. On the left, we have the Navigation block.

And on the right, we have the Content region.

Highlight the categories region.

Highlight the courses on right.

The content region is divided into 2 columns:
  • left column shows the course categories.
  • right column shows all the courses under the selected category.
  • By default, it is showing courses under Miscellaneous category.

Point to the label viewing on the right top. This view can be changed from the menu located at the right.
Click on the down arrow. Click on the down arrow to see the options.
Click on Course categories Now click on Course categories.

This changes the view to show only the course categories.

Click on the arrow -> Courses Let us click on the arrow again and change the view to see only the courses.

Click on Courses.

Point to the new dropdown Notice that a new dropdown box has appeared now.

This is the category dropdown.

Click on the dropdown. Here we can select the category for which we want to show the courses.

Currently, it only has the Miscellaneous category.

Click on the arrow -> Course categories and courses Let us change the view back to Course categories and courses.
Click on Create new category link. Now we will click on Create new category link to add a category.
Select Top in the dropdown.

Category name -> Mathematics.

Click on the Parent category dropdown box and select Top.

Type Mathematics in the Category name.

Highlight Category ID Category ID number is an optional field.

This is for admin users to identify the course with offline courses.

If your college uses ID for categories, you can use that category ID here.

This field is not visible to other Moodle users.

For now, I will leave Category ID as blank.

Description-> All mathematics courses will be listed under this category In the Description textbox, I will type-

All mathematics courses will be listed under this category.”

Click on Create category Then click on Create category button.
Point to the Miscellaneous and Mathematics category

We are now in the Course categories and courses view.

Here we can see 2 categories now:

Miscellaneous and Mathematics.

Let us organize these categories further.

Let us have separate 1st year Maths courses and 2nd year Maths courses.

For this, we will create a subcategory called 1st Year Maths inside the Mathematics category.
Click on Create new category Click on Create new category link at the top of the listed categories.
Creation of the subcategory is same as that of a category.
Click on the drop down box while narrating and show the Top option

Parent Category -> Mathematics.

Don’t select Top as the parent category.

Instead, select the category under which this subcategory should belong.

Category name: 1st year Maths So here, we will type 1st Year Maths in the category name.
Description: All Maths courses for 1st year will be under this category.

Click on Create category.

After that, we’ll type a Description and click on Create category button.
Highlight the - icon Notice that the categories on the left are listed in a tree format.

A category which has subcategories has a toggle icon to expand and collapse it.

Notice 3 icons on the right of the category.
Hover over the icons to see what they are.
Hover over the eye icon.

Hover over the arrow.

Click on the gear icon.

The eye is for hiding the category.

A hidden category will have the eye crossed to indicate the same.

The arrow is for moving the category up or down.

It also has a settings gear icon, which is a menu; as shown by the down arrow.

Click on the gear icon.

Click on the settings gear icon for Miscellaneous category.

It has options such as Edit, Create new subcategory, Delete etc related to the category.

Click elsewhere on the page. Click elsewhere on the page to close this menu.
Let me collapse the navigation menu on the left for better view.
Click on the gear icon. Next click on the settings gear icon for Mathematics category.

Notice that there are 4 extra submenus here related to sorting of the subcategories.

All categories that have subcategories will have these menu items.

Highlight 2 on the right of Mathematics category.. The number to the right of the gear icon indicates the number of courses in that category.
There are sorting options below the list of categories.
Check the checkbox next to 1st year Maths subcategory.

Open the dropdown and show the options. Highlight Move button.

At the end, is the option to change the parent category of a subcategory.

To use this option, you have to check the checkbox next to the subcategory you want to move.

Then select the new parent category and click on Move.

We will not use this option right now.


This brings us to the end of this tutorial.

Let us summarize.

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In this tutorial, we learnt about:

  • Course category
  • How to create categories & subcategories.
  • How to perform actions on categories.

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Here is an assignment for you:

  • Add a new subcategory 2nd Year Maths under Mathematics.
  • Delete the category Miscellaneous.

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(About Spoken Tutorial Project)

The video at the following link, summarizes the Spoken Tutorial project.

Please download and watch it.

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(About Spoken Tutorial Project)

The Spoken Tutorial Project Team conducts workshops and gives certificates.

For more details, please write to us.

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(About Spoken Tutorial Forum)

  • Do you have questions in THIS Spoken Tutorial?
  • Please visit
  • Choose the minute and second where you have the question
  • Explain your question briefly
  • Someone from our team will answer them

Please post your timed queries in this forum.
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Spoken Tutorial Project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Government of India.

More information on this mission is available at the following link.

This script has been contributed by Priyanka.

And this is Nancy Varkey along with the spoken tutorial team signing off. Thank you for joining.

Contributors and Content Editors

Itspriyanka, Nirmala Venkat