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Revision as of 17:51, 28 April 2016

00:00 Welcome to the spoken tutorial on creating a material stream in DWSIM
00:05 My name is Kannan Moudgalya
00:07 In this tutorial, we are going to learn
00:10 How to select chemical components
00:14 How to choose a thermodynamic package
00:17 How to choose units and values
00:19 And How to specify a material stream
00:23 To record this tutorial, I am using DWSIM 3.4 windows version
00:29 But this process is identical in Linux, Mac OS X and FOSSEE on ARM
00:35 To practice this tutorial you should have access to DWSIM
00:39 Let us start with creating a new steady state simulation
00:46 When DWSIM is opened, you see a startup window, such as this
00:53 Click on Create new simulation
00:57 If a simulation wizard appears, cancel it
01:02 On the top left, locate a field called Simulation
01:08 Hover the mouse over the puzzle like button next to it
01:14 You can see that it is known as Configure Simulation
01:18 Press this button
01:23 A Configure Simulation pop-up opens
01:26 In some earlier versions, this pop-up opened automatically
01:31 The lettering is very small and unreadable in this recording
01:35 To address this, I will zoom in on the relevant portion of this screen only
01:42 I have now rearranged the screen for better readability
01:46 In the component search tab of this window, type benzene
01:59 Benzene appears in two rows. We are interested in the entry that has DWSIM as the database
02:07 We will explain in another tutorial the significance of other databases
02:13 Double click anywhere on this line
02:17 You could have pressed the Add button also which is on the right hand side which we will see shortly
02:23 You can see that Benzene is now selected
02:27 I shall let you see it by shifting the pop up window to the left
02:40 Repeat this for toluene
02:52 Let us select this. Let us add
02:59 You can see that the component selection is completed
03:04 I shall shift the window back to where it was
03:12 We are now ready to choose Thermodynamics
03:14 Let us go back to the slides
03:18 Let us go to the next slide
03:21 This slide has guidelines on how to choose thermodynamics
03:24 Covering the theory behind this slide is beyond the scope of this tutorial
03:30 As Benzene and Toluene form an ideal solution, we can choose Raoult's law
03:35 Let us do this in DWSIM
03:40 Locate the thermodynamics tab on the left hand side. Click on it
03:47 A sub-menu appears in the white space above
03:51 Click on Property Packages in the sub-menu
03:56 Scroll down in this list and locate an option called Raoult's law
04:03 Choose this by double clicking on it.
04:08 You will see Raoult's law appearing on the right hand side of the pop-up
04:12 To see this, let me shift the pop-up to the left.
04:20 On the lower right hand corner of this pop-up, locate a button called Back to Simulation.Click on it.
04:28 The configure simulation pop-up gets closed and we are ready to do the simulation
04:35 The canvas at the centre of this page is used to create flowsheets
04:41 We will now create a material stream
04:44 On the right hand side, you see an object palette
04:49 It has a large collection of many useful chemical engineering objects
04:55 You can scroll it and see what all are available
05:01 Right at the top of this is the material stream object. Click it and drag it to the flowsheet
05:12 At the desired place, remove your finger from the mouse to drop the stream
05:19 You may leave it anywhere on this canvas.
05:21 You can also move the stream to another place later, if required.
05:25 Immediately after dropping the stream, a pop-up to enter compositions appears
05:31 Notice that mole fraction is selected by default
05:36 You can choose one of the other possibilities. But, I shall leave it as it is
05:42 The chemicals that we already selected appear here automatically
05:49 Type 0.5 in the equilibrium composition of toluene
05:55 Press down arrow
05:57 Type 0.5 in the equilibrium composition of benzene
06:02 Click Apply
06:06 The total of the mole fractions appears on the right hand side
06:12 If the total is not 1, DWSIM normalises the entries, so that the total becomes 1
06:19 But this may give some unpredictable values at times
06:22 So, you yourself may want to ensure that the total comes to 1. Click the Close button
06:31 You can always get back to the previous pop-up by double clicking on the stream
06:36 Below the configure simulation button, notice a place to change the System of Units
06:43 Let us click this menu and choose CGS System
06:49 Let us now complete the specification of this stream
06:52 Click on the stream icon in the flowsheet once – Do not double click it
07:00 On the left hand side of the flowsheet you will see the selected object window
07:07 This window consists of Properties and Appearance tabs
07:12 The properties tab shows all the properties of the stream. DWSIM assigns default values to all properties
07:21 That is first scroll up this page
07:27 There are many ways to complete the specification of a material stream
07:31 Press on Specification
07:34 A down arrow appears on the right hand side – press it
07:40 The default is to specify pressure and temperature
07:43 I shall leave it as it is
07:45 I shall press the down arrow once again to close the menu
07:50 We see the number 25 already entered against the temperature
07:55 I will by hovering the mouse over the Temperature, we see the units as degree Celsius
08:02 Let us click to the right of this number
08:07 It is an editable field. Let me delete it and enter 30
08:15 Let us look at pressure next. I shall leave it at 1 atmosphere
08:23 Let us specify the flowrate next
08:26 We can specify mass flowrate or molar flowrate or volumetric flowrate
08:33 We will specify molar flowrate
08:38 I shall delete the old value and enter 100
08:47 Press enter to save this change
08:50 Units for this field are moles per second as we can see now
08:56 It is possible to use a combination of units, such as CGS and SI
09:01 We will postpone this discussion to another tutorial
09:05 Now the stream is fully defined
09:08 DWSIM has given the name MSTR-004 to this stream automatically
09:16 You may see some other name in your simulation, but do not worry about it
09:21 As I am not happy with this automatically generated name, let me change it
09:27 Under the selected object window, click on the appearance tab
09:33 The Appearance tab is used to modify the visual appearance of the stream
09:37 Click on the blank space beside Name and type Inlet1 after deleting this.
09:55 Click on the Name again.
09:58 You can see the name Inlet1 appearing below this stream in the flowsheet.
10:04 We will build on this material stream in the upcoming tutorials.
10:08 Let us go back to the slides.
10:13 We go to the next slide.
10:15 Let me summarise what we learnt in this tutorial.
10:19 We defined a material stream.
10:22 Chose chemical components.
10:24 Chose the property estimation package.
10:27 Completed specifications.
10:29 Assigned values and units.
10:32 Specified temperature, pressure and flow rate.
10:36 Pointed out many different options.
10:40 I would like to give some assignments now.
10:43 Choose Benzene and Toluene mole fractions that do not add up to 1.
10:48 Check how DWSIM normalises when you press apply.
10:53 Go to the page where you defined mole fractions.
10:57 Check what the normalise button does when the total is not 1.
11:02 Go to the page where we defined the molar flow rate.
11:05 DWSIM automatically displays equivalent flow rates in other units.
11:11 Check if these values are consistent.
11:16 Create a stream consisting of Benzene, Toluene and Xylene.
11:20 Carry out the previous assignments for this stream also
11:26 This brings us to the end of this tutorial
11:28 This video summarises the Spoken Tutorial project.
11:33 If you do not have good bandwidth, you can download and watch it.
11:39 We conduct workshops using Spoken Tutorials. Give Certificates. Please contact us.
11:47 The Spoken Tutorial project is funded by NMEICT, MHRD, Govt. of India
11:52 We thank the DWSIM team for making it as an open source software
11:58 I want to thank you the listener for joining me in this tutorial, goodbye.

Contributors and Content Editors

Nancyvarkey, PoojaMoolya, Pratik kamble, Sandhya.np14