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Time Narration
00:21 Welcome to Meet the GIMP tutorial on Setting up the Gimp.
00:25 Today I want to show, how to set up the GIMP when you are using it for the first time.
00:30 The GIMP uses a lot of small windows instead of one big window, like all the other Windows & Macintosh programs.
00:39 It’s a history from the Unix world and the Unix people love to have windows scattered all over the screen and to have lot of programs running at the same time.
00:49 If you are really not able to work with these different windows, then you should look at the GIMPshop.
00:57 It is a program which uses the GIMP and puts a new user interface on it to make it a bit similar to Photoshop.
01:05 I would like to use the GIMP because all the new and better tools are in the GIMP.
01:12 This is the tip of the day which gives useful information and tips.
01:17 Right now, there is a tip about the Undo option by which you can do some steps and then change them back with Undo.
01:26 It works most of the time.
01:28 It's better to save your work before you do something very different.
01:33 Now, let's have a look at the other tools.
01:36 Here’s the main window from the GIMP, the Command Central.
01:41 And at the top here, is the Toolbox.
01:45 Then we have the Color box to select colours from and below are the various options of our tools from Toolbox.
01:53 Let’s make this a bit wider.
01:56 Here we have dialog boxes for Layers, Channels, Color Channels, Path and Undo History.
02:09 Below, this is the Colour Selection dialog where you can select various colours.
02:15 There are more dialogs like Brushes, Patterns, Gradient and so on.
02:21 I want to include some of these dialogs into the Toolbox. It is very easy to do so.
02:28 Just click on the word Layers in the title of the dialog and pull it over to the word Color Picker here, below the toolbox.
02:39 And I get a tabbed dialog like this.
02:43 I'll do this with Channels.
02:46 I'll do this with Paths.
02:52 And I'll do this with Undo History.
02:54 I don’t think I need the Brushes tool because if a tool has a brush then it appears here and I can select it.
03:09 But I want to have Colours, so I click on it and drag it next to Undo History.
03:16 And this window here can be closed.
03:23 I can access all the dialog boxes through File >> Dialogs.
03:30 You can see here, there are some dialogs that are not in our Toolbox and we need one of them i.e. Tools.
03:38 My tool box contains some tools which I have never used and I want to replace them with the tools that I want to use.
03:48 Let’s start with the tools which I want to have.
03:51 I want to have Curves, Levels, Threshold. Brightness & Contrast - I don't want to choose.
03:58 I don’t need Perspective Clone nor do I need Ink or Airbrush.
04:05 And I need all the remaining tools.
04:08 I will have a look at this later after I see how much space is left.
04:16 Now I go to File and Preferences.
04:26 I leave Environment as it is and Interface also.
04:32 In Theme, I select Small.
04:35 And when I pull this window aside, you see all the icons have shrunk and there’s more space available for information of tools.
04:45 Go to Tool Options and change Default interpolation to Sinc , it’s the best interpolation for calculating pixels while resizing or rotating and so on.
05:00 Leave all the other options as they are.
05:03 Go to Toolbox and either select if you want to have these options or de-select them.
05:12 You can have Colors which is a quick way to change the Foreground and background colours.
05:19 You can get the Brush and the Gradient tools, here you can have a small image or the thumbnail of the active image.
05:29 I don’t need it, so I de-select it. Its up to you if you want to have it or not.
05:36 You can leave the Default Image, Default Grid and Default Image Window as they are.
05:42 I am done with all the Preferences.
05:45 And
05:47 I haven’t changed the Path, so I can use this here.
05:52 Now, I have to get rid of only one tool here to get some more space. But first I’ll make this a bit wider.
06:01 You can see that the Toolbox dialog is quite cramped.
06:06 Just pull it over here.
06:08 I think I can add 3 more tools without getting into a new row here.
06:19 So I will add Brightness, Hue-Saturation and Color Balance.
06:24 All the tools which are not displayed here can be reached by clicking on File and Dialogs.
06:39 And now we are set to do our work.
06:42 When you close the GIMP, all the options are automatically saved and it will start up in the same way in which you had closed it.
06:52 And by the way, I am using the development version, the unstable version of GIMP 2.3.18
07:02 I just saw that 2.3.19 was released today.
07:07 It is called 'unstable' but the GIMP is reaching a point where 2.4 is the next stable version on the horizon and this year it is stable as any other software in the market.
07:22 That was it for setting up the GIMP.
07:25 This is Hemant Waidande, dubbing for the Spoken Tutorial project.

Contributors and Content Editors

Minal, PoojaMoolya, Sandhya.np14